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Pining For You (Jasper Falls 4)

Page 40

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He put down the box. “Sure.”

She took two mugs down from the cabinet and waited for the kettle to whistle. It was taking forever.

Rhett opened the cupboard and set honey next to the mugs. “You take it with honey, right?”

He’d noticed how she took her tea at night? For some reason this information made her stupidly giddy. She hid a smile. “Right.” Her heart raced as she once again remembered him telling her not to hide her smiles because they could light up a room.

“Did I say something wrong?”

“No, you’re just very observant.”

He retrieved the milk, anticipating her every move. “You have a routine.”

She flushed. “I like structure.”

Returning to the stove where the kettle heated, his gaze held hers. “I noticed.”

They were only standing a few inches apart, and if she moved, he would notice and possibly take it as rude. But maybe she should step back anyway.

Her breasts felt heavy and every shallow breath seemed to lift them. It was as if her body was instinctively reaching for him. She needed something to drink.

Mirroring her stance, they stood between the island and the stove, each with a hand resting on the counter. His palm glided over the granite and his fingers brushed against hers.

Intentional. Very intentional.

Her breath caught and her gaze turned questioning.

A thousand logical responses pranced through her head. They had a professional relationship. This was inappropriate. They were playing with fire. Addison could get hurt if they went there…

They all made sense but she didn’t want to acknowledge a single one. She wanted him, plain and simple.

“Tell me no.”

She couldn’t. Her body felt heavy and hungry. She’d never had such a response to a man. She hardly knew him. Her heart wanted her to be reckless anyway.


No, she wouldn’t tell him no. She said nothing, refused to blink, making it perfectly clear the answer was yes.

“Tell me a secret,” she challenged. “Something people don’t know about you.”

Shock registered in his eyes and she expected him to shut down whatever this was, but instead, he shifted closer and whispered, “The prettiest place I’ve ever slept was under the North Carolina sky. The stars are so big and bright there, they make the shadows glow.”

“Is that where you grew up.”

His eyes turned guarded. “I lived there for a time. I lived in a lot of different places. Until finding Jasper Falls, North Carolina was my favorite.”

“Why Jasper Falls?”

“You said a secret. I gave you one.”

But he didn’t necessarily share anything personal and now he watched her as if silently asking what she would give him in return. Her heart fluttered into a canter as she tried to translate his body language.

His socked feet shifted closer and his fingers once again brushed hers. “Why are you so fascinating to me?”

“I’m boring.”

“I can think of a hundred ways to describe you, but boring isn’t one of them.”

“What would you choose?” She wanted to know what he thought of her, how he saw her.

“Stunning. Patient. Sweet. Warm.”

Her lips pulled into a smile and her face heated. “Thank you.”

“How do you see me?”

Her brow creased. “You’re…my boss.” She couldn’t confess all the things he made her feel, especially when she didn’t know how he managed to stir such emotions in such a short time.

He blinked, and something close to disappointment flashed in his eyes. “Is that all?”

He was testing her. Pushing her. It might have been the most adult conversation she’d ever had, but her body was quaking with uncertainty and her heart was terrified she might say the wrong thing out loud and be mortified the next morning.

She dropped her gaze, erring on the side of caution. “You’re a good father to Addison.”

Hooking a long finger under her chin, he raised her face, forcing her to hold his stare. He grinned with genuine pride. “Thank you.”

His touch lingered, and he stepped another inch closer.


“I just have to see something…”

Her lungs filled with a deep breath as he closed the distance and brushed his lips against hers. Such simple contact, but her body caught fire. Chills raced down her spine and her nipples pulled tight.

Maybe it was because they were doing something wrong. Maybe it was their age difference that made the press of his lips to her feel a little taboo, a little too tempting. But the truth was, they weren’t breaking any laws, and she had every right to stand there in his kitchen and let him kiss her if she wanted him to.

And oh…she wanted…

A wave of dizziness swept over her, knocking her slightly off balance in a true to God swoon. The next breath she took hitched past her lips in a delicate gasp.

He eyed her closely, catching every blink and breath and pulsing ache she couldn’t seem to hide. His hand slipped beneath the curtain of her hair, softly cupping the back of her neck, and everything inside of her clenched with anticipation.

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