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Pining For You (Jasper Falls 4)

Page 41

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She expected a kiss, but nothing could have prepared her for the one he delivered. He didn’t just press his mouth to hers. He pressed his entire body to her body. Hard, hungry muscle against soft, needy curves.

His height and breadth crowded her as he took complete control, turning her back to the island and angling his body over hers as his tongue broke the seal of their lips and stole into her mouth. She let him lead, wanting to see how far he would take things.

Deep, masculine groans met her delicate mews, and he challenged her to meet his passion. Her pulse fluttered wildly as his hands sifted through her hair and over her curves. Soft lips ran delicately over her jaw, teasing and coaxing, licking and nipping. The heat of his body surrounded her.

Her breasts smashed against the hard wall of his chest, and she reveled in the sturdy feel of him, wanting—no, needing—more. His desires dominated her senses. His height dwarfed her small form. He filled her with a riotous sense of wildness, yet made her increasingly aware of her fragility.

He was big, she was small. He was strong, she was delicate. He was fire and desire, she was cherished and revered. He was experienced, she was not. But, oh, she wanted to learn from him.

His thigh wedged between her legs, pressing exactly where she needed pressure. His mouth returned to hers and he deepened the kiss, her body burned from the inside out, heating her skin in a fiery flush.

No matter how aggressively he kissed her, his touch remained sensual and inviting. He didn’t kiss like the other guys she’d made out with. He touched her like a man, with skill and familiarity and dark intentions. He didn’t just kiss and caress her, he consumed her.

His skill should have scared her or intimidated her but, instead, it made her feel delicate yet safe. Arching her body closer to the island, she wanted to wrap her legs around his hips and pull him down to the floor. At the very least, she wanted him to lift her to the counter and spread her body out beneath him and have his way with her.

She wanted more. Needed him to hold nothing back. Wanted all of his strength and power and—

The sharp whistle of the tea kettle was like a bucket of ice water spilling over the moment, and they broke apart. Rhett blinked and frowned at her as if he’d forgotten who he had been mauling a second ago.

Not the look she wanted from her employer.

Shit. He was her boss.

Logic sank in hard and fast, like a bolder breaking through a placid bond. She moved to the stove and removed the screaming kettle from the heat, clicking off the burner and waiting for the ripple effect to come and mess everything up.

“I shouldn’t have done that.”

She winced, glad she hadn’t turned to face him. Anger bubbled inside of her. “Then why did you?”

“I don’t know.”

Well, it happened and now they had to live with it.

Why hadn’t she listened to her more rational instincts? Now what? Would they pretend nothing happened? Act like everything was normal?

“Are you mad?”

She was irritated that he seemed to be ashamed of his actions and didn’t like the way his regret made her feel like a dirty thing he shouldn’t touch. “I thought it was…nice.”

“It was inappropriate.”

Ouch. She pivoted and found him scowling so she scowled, too. “It was your idea!”

He jerked back at the unhidden censure in her voice. “I’m aware. I wasn’t thinking.”

She scoffed and narrowed her eyes as he tried to shrug off any accountability. “You were thinking.”

Both of them had been thinking about this for some time, thinking of all the reasons why they shouldn’t act on desire, thinking how good it would feel to be reckless, consequences be damned.

“It was a spontaneous impulse.”

Unbelievable. “How about a little self-awareness and accountability, next time.”

Affronted that she’d call him out on his bullshit, his jaw hardened. “There won’t be a next time.”

“Good!” she snapped, slinking past him and marching out of the kitchen.

“What about your tea?” he yelled after her.

“You drink it! Or was that also a spontaneous impulse you had no intention of seeing through?”

He said nothing else and she didn’t stop scowling until she reached the third floor. Once safely inside the privacy of her room, she dropped her face into her hand and groaned. The mortification she’d predicted arrived with a gut swilling nausea that made it hard to breathe.


Rhett was furious with himself. Of all the foolish things he could have done, this one took the cake. Skylar was perfect for Addison, and they were finally finding their groove, finally accomplishing all those normal homelife activities he had missed growing up. Then screwed everything up by kissing her.

Not just kissed her. That was no ordinary kiss. He took her. Held her. Consumed and savored her. If not for that damn tea kettle, he would have fucked her right on the kitchen floor.

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