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My Boyfriend and His Friend (The Forbidden Fun)

Page 15

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“Come on!” she smiles. “It feels amazing.”

Chris and I glance at each other, shrug, and then take off after her. My friend growls before charging Patty like a linebacker, and she shrieks with elation when he scoops her up in his arms. But the moment he sets her down, I pick her up again, holding her like a bride as I bolt through the water. She grasps fistfuls of my soaked shirt, laughing so hard that tears are coming out of her eyes. Meanwhile, my friend has figured out where one of the sprinklers is located and is even able to direct it. He stands atop the metal implement and adjusts his foot so that a stream of liquid shoots at the two of us like a jet stream. Of course, it hits me square and in the nose, and with an outraged bellow, I set Patty down so I can rush him. I tackle my buddy to the slippery grass before giving him a few hard pounds to the back while Patty looks on and laughs.

“Stop, stop!” she cries. “OMG you guys are so violent!”

A few minutes later, after we’re panting and soaked through, we stumble to a nice shaded spot to sit down and catch our breaths. I take the blanket out from the basket and lay it on the ground. Thank god this thing didn’t get drenched because my shirt and shorts are clinging to my body, and Chris looks like a drowned rat. Meanwhile, Patty looks like Aphrodite rising out of the ocean. She’s wet, but the fabric clings to her like a second skin, revealing her lush contours and feminine shape.

She looks down at herself and laughs. “This reminds me of the time I entered a wet t-shirt contest with Rachel.”

My eyebrows shoot up to my hairline. “You did what?” I look at Chris, but he just nods.

“Tell him, sweetheart.”

Patty smirks a bit. “Yep, those were the good old days. I have a friend Rachel who’s married now, but before that, she was so crazy. She dragged me to this bar that was having a wet t-shirt contest, and honestly, we didn’t expect much. But Rachel won actually. It was insane.”

I laugh while staring at her hardened nipples.

“Is it because she wasn’t wearing a bra, the way that you aren’t now?” I growl.

Patty laughs.

“Yeah, that’s part of it. But again, we weren’t expecting much from the contest! To be honest, we were there for the free food, but after Rach won, everything changed. She married a guy she met at the club, actually. That’s how she met her husband through a wet t-shirt contest.”

I shake my head.

“Wow. I wouldn’t have guessed. I thought those things were just sleazy ways to get young girls to undress. Who knew you could actually meet your wife at one?” I quip.

Patty just giggles.

“Yeah, anything’s possible right? I mean, look at us. Who would have expected the three of us to become something?” But before I can answer, the curvy girl winks at me and pulls the picnic basket towards her. “It’s such a beautiful day,” my girl muses while flipping the lid open. “I’m really, really glad we did this even if I’m soaked through now.”

“Same here,” I growl, my eyes still glued to the wet cotton sticking to her breasts. “It feels great to get out after spending so much time indoors.”

She blushes while handing each of us a cold beer. “Well, I hope you haven’t minded being cooped up in our apartment.”

“No, that’s not what I meant at all,” I chuckle. “I was referring to my work at the gym. It’s one of the downsides of being a personal trainer. We work with clients indoors, so the most sun I get is through the window. But spending time with you,” I say before reaching over and taking her hand. “That’s a gift.”

She giggles. “Chase, you’re such a flirt.”

I know I’m laying it on a little thick, but I can’t help it because she’s gorgeous, sassy, and giving, and I want her to know how much I love spending time together. There’s a real connection there, and this menage is already turning out better than I could have hoped.

Chris too. He shoots our girl a pointed glance and asks, “How’re you feeling, honey? Physically I mean because we’ve been going at it pretty hot and heavy, and you’ve been taking the brunt of it.”

Patty blushes, her cheeks going pink.

“I’m a little sore, but in a good way,” she murmurs. “I feel lucky to be with you two. I mean, you’re both insanely gorgeous, and—” she pauses to glance around to make sure no one is nearby to hear us. “I love the way you guys use my body. It makes me feel so alive and happy and… useful, even. Like I was put on God’s green Earth for this purpose.”

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