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My Boyfriend and His Friend (The Forbidden Fun)

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Chris and I exchange a look and grin. “Well, that’s all I’ve ever wanted to hear you say, doll,” he growls before leaning over to kiss her neck.

“Besides, baby girl, Chris and I are the lucky ones in this relationship,” I say. “Not every woman is a fit for us, but you’ve been sweet and magical in a way I can’t describe.”

Patty ducks her head at the compliment and merely waves her hand at us.

“Oh you!” she giggles. “I know you’re buttering me up for some more debauchery, but not right now. Right now, we eat,” she says in a firm tone before pulling out a couple sandwiches, a container full of chopped fruit, and some chips. “Here you go,” she says. “I got three Italian footlongs, so there’s plenty.”

I bite into the sub, enjoying the deli meat and tangy mustard.

“How’s school by the way?” I manage through a delicious mouthful.

Patty rolls her eyes.

“The Wellness Atrium is fine, I guess,” she sighs. “I swear, there’s always something due. I feel like when I finally graduate it’s going to be the happiest day on Earth because it’s been a slog for so many years now.” She shakes her head. “The two of you are the only people keeping me sane at the moment.”

But after popping a few chips into her mouth, she turns to us.

“How about you guys? How is Fast Theory and your clients?”

Chris heaves a big sigh. “Things are going about as well as they could be,” he says. “I mean, our manager is a douche, but the clients are great.”

She nods.

“But you like it, right?”

I nod. “We love working with clients toward their fitness goals and helping them get into better mental and physical shape. Even our manager can’t ruin that for us because he’s locked inside his office most of the time, thank god. He’s not fit to be seen out on the gym floor.”

But something I said has caught our girl’s interest and her eyebrows rise. “Physical and mental shape? You do both as a part of training?”

I nod.

“Absolutely, honey. Exercise improves the body, but it’s also good for the mind and soul. I mean all that hype about ‘wellness’ is just a fad, but good old-fashioned exercise isn’t. It helps boost your mood and improves a lot of things, from mental acuity to hand-eye coordination.”

Chris nods and shoots a grin at Patty. “That’s why I’ve been telling you to book a session or two with a trainer. You don’t have to do a session with me, honey, but maybe someone else, because exercise has so many benefits you kind of have to.”

The curvy girl laughs. “I know, I know, but I’m really unathletic. I mean, the walk we’ve just had combined with the run through the sprinklers is about all I can handle for one day.”

Chris shakes his head, his blue eyes sparking with mischief. “That’s not true. You’re very athletic—”

“And flexible,” I interject.

My friend growls with a flash of his blue eyes. “After all, consider all the fun we’ve had in bed lately, sweetheart. You’ve been taking it like a pro, and that’s a type of exercise in and of itself.”

Patty’s face reddens, and we chuckle but my buddy’s words are true. By the time we’ve finished making love, I feel like I’ve just finished running a marathon, but in the best way possible. It’s exhilarating and I only hope the curvy girl is holding up okay, seeing that there are two of us and one of her. Patty blushes hotly again.

“Oh, it’s been good,” she murmurs shyly. “I definitely like it.”

I nod.

“We majored in kinesiology in college, so be sure to tell us if something is off,” I add. “We can help.”

Patty laughs.

“I know what kinesiology is. It’s the study of the mechanics of body movements right? I’m a physical therapist, remember,” she says in a droll tone.

Chris nods. “Of course, honey. We would never underestimate you, but kinesiology also means that we have a good understanding of what the female body can do and the positions it can assume. We would never want to get you bent out of shape, literally speaking.”

“Yeah, but you already have me in a pretzel sometimes!” she protests. “Everything’s pointing in such different directions …”

“But it feels good, right?” I add with a black eyebrow raised. She nods, biting her lip.

“It feels amazing,” she admits. “But what about you guys? What do you like about personal training that makes you the most sought-after trainers in Wyoming?”

I think about it. “Flexible schedules, working with clients, and we get to see the improvement we bring to our clients’ lives. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.” Then I pause and give her a meaningful look. “You know, sweetheart, maybe when you graduate we can all work together. I mean, physical therapy and athletics go hand in hand, don’t they?”

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