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My Boyfriend and His Friend (The Forbidden Fun)

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Patty brightens.

“Wow, you think?”

I nod.

“Why not? I’m sure some of our clients could be referred to physical therapy and you’d be the perfect person to help them. When do you graduate?”

Her nose wrinkles.

“Not soon enough, but I’d love to work with you guys. You mean at Fast Theory right? Do they already have a space for therapists where we can set-up our tables and do exercises and whatnot? Do you think your supervisor would be open to the idea?”

Chris and I share another look. It’s hard to know exactly how to answer her innocent question because our manager, Matt, is a douche. He’s a cheapskate who would pay her peanuts, but on the other hand, Patty is a new graduate and he’s always looking for little gimmicks to set us apart from other gyms. There’s a good chance he would say yes, come to think of it, but the idea of Patty getting within fifteen feet of Matt makes my blood boil.

“He might, or he might not,” Chris says vaguely. “But it doesn’t matter because maybe by the time you graduate, Chase and I will have moved onto something bigger and better.”

Patty looks confused.

“What are you thinking?”

My friend and I share a look.

“Don’t tell anyone, but Chase and I are thinking about opening our own gym,” Chris says in a low voice. “We’d take our clients with us, and of course, that means that Fast Theory would lose eighty percent of its customers. But we’ll see,” he shrugs. “It’s still a dream right now. There are a lot of logistics that go into starting your own gym.”

His girlfriend smiles at us with stars in her eyes.

“But I know you can do it,” she says with conviction. “You guys are amazing personal trainers, with waitlists and lots of people trying to get appointments. It’s definitely a go.”

Her words make my heart bloom with warmth because I appreciate how much this woman believes in us. She likely doesn’t know the first thing about running your own business, but Patty’s smart and no one’s fool. Her support is very meaningful, and I reach over and pull that curvy body into my arms.

“Thank you baby,” I whisper in her ear. “I hope you’ll be our first client when the time comes.”

“Of course I will,” she giggles while Chris presses a kiss to her cheek on the other side. “Oooh, we’re in public!” she claims as we shower her with passionate pecks. “People will see!”

But it doesn’t matter because my friend and I have a found a woman who satisfies our every desire. Patty’s interest in physical therapy is a perfect fit for our job as personal trainers, and her lush body is exactly the type of frame that satisfies us in bed. Not only that, but she’s intelligent, sweet, and more than enough for both of us. What more could we ask for? As we lavish our woman in adoration, a single thought runs through my head: she’s the one.



* * *

Three months later.

I close my anatomy textbook with a heavy sigh. Class is finally over. Even better, our professor returned our exams today, and I’m pleased to see that I got an A.

“I could use a nap,” I sigh while stretching my arms over my head.

“I hear you,” my friend Corrie agrees. “Do you want to get a coffee at the cafeteria, by the way? I hear they have this new drink called a pistachio latte bomb.”

I giggle.

“Holy cow, what is it with these far-out flavors?” I ask. “But yes, I’d love to. Oh my god, a caramel latte sounds like heaven right now.”

Gathering our books, we leave the classroom and begin wandering towards the cafeteria. Honestly, I’m desperate for something to refuel my overworked brain, and maybe I’ll throw in a slice of carrot cake and some cookies in addition to the latte. A little sugar never hurt, and hey, I aced that test, so I deserve it.

But honestly, finals and term projects have been kicking my butt for the last month or so, and I’m exhausted now. Not only that, but Chase and Chris never let up either. When I’m not studying or eating or cooking, the three of us are having incredible sex, and each time is better than the last. My body is actually still sore from last night’s romp, and as I stroll into the cafeteria, a tiny bit of wetness inches down my thigh. Oh god, the men came in me so many times last night, and even now, hours later, I’m still dripping with their seed.

But it feels good. The liquid’s not going to soil my dress or be visible from the outside, so it’s my little secret. Plus, people would be scandalized, but it’s not just one man’s seed. It’s the mixed fluids of two men because they used my pussy one right after another, dumping two loads into my sweetest spot.

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