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My Boyfriend and His Friend (The Forbidden Fun)

Page 18

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With another giggle, I order an iced caramel latte and a huge slice of carrot cake while Corrie gets an iced mocha and a slice of lemon pound cake. Balancing our trays, we sit at an open table.

“What are you doing?” Corrie asks as I tear open a ketchup packet, squiring the red sauce onto the corner of my plate. “Is that for your carrot cake?” she asks with confusion.

I nod.

“It’s weird, right?” I say, dipping a bite of cake in the ketchup. “I don’t know why but this has been my study snack lately and it totally hits the spot.”

“Hmm, well as long as it tastes good,” she says while sipping her mocha. “Honestly, I’m just happy you’re one of the girls who eats. I hate those rabbits who either eat nothing, or get a couple carrot slices. We’re cake girls,” she says emphatically while popping a bite of lemon pound into her mouth. “Mmm!” she moans, her lashes fluttering shut.

“We are definitely cake girls,” I agree while dabbing another forkful of my carrot cake into the ketchup. “And don’t you forget it!”

Corrie giggles then because she’s a curvy woman, just like me, and we revel in our figures.

“So how are things going for you?” she asks. Corrie knows everything about my love life, so she lowers her voice before looking around discreetly. “I mean romantically of course.”

I smile.

“Things have been going well,” I say. “Chase has more or less moved in with me and Chris now, and it works out. I mean, he still has his apartment but he’s over at our place practically every night. I wonder if he should just give up his lease.”

Corrie’s brow raises.

“But is there enough space for everyone? I remember your apartment being pretty small.”

I nod ruefully.

“Yeah, it is pretty small but we got a new California King mattress that just barely fits in the bedroom. Although of course, we wouldn’t even need a mattress if it came down to it. My men are very inventive, and we’d just do it on the floor or against the wall if it came to that.”

Corrie giggles. “Wow, I can’t even imagine servicing two gorgeous, muscular men simultaneously. But how does that work, girlfriend? How do they not, you know, bump into each other and all that?”

I nod.

“Yeah, I know what you mean and I had that question at first too because they’re both huge and yes, there is some accidental bumping. It’s inevitable because my two holes down below are so close, so there’s going to be some bumper cars. But it’s not sexual when they accidentally brush up against each other. The focus is always me, so I’m the beneficiary of their attentions. Plus,” I add with a wicked smile. “One of the best parts is that is if one of them is tired or not in the mood, there’s a good chance the other one will be game.”

Corrie’s eyes widen. “Are they ever not in the mood?”

I laugh.

“You’re right, not often. It’s more if one of them isn’t available, the other and I can go at it.”

Corrie gasps, her eyes wide.

“But don’t they get jealous?”

I shake my head. “No, and that’s the second-best part. There’s no jealousy because there’s more than enough of me to go around. I make sure both of my men are happy, and if I feel that one’s getting too much attention from me, then I’ll be sure to do more for the other one the next time.”

Corrie nods, but her expression is a little confused.

“But still,” she presses. “Isn’t it hard juggling two alpha males? I mean, it must be demanding.”

I stop for a moment to think.

“Yeah, it is,” I acknowledge. “But it’s nothing I can’t handle, and my boyfriends are incredibly mature and honest too. Honesty is always a big part of relationships like this. You have to be open with what you want, and how you’re going to get there, in addition to paying attention to your partners’ needs.”

“Sounds like a lot of talking,” Corrie remarks insightfully.

I laugh and sigh.

“It is, to be honest. These guys are not wham, bam, thank you ma’am types of guys because we can’t be. Not when we’re in a threesome like this. So yes, communication is key, and it takes effort from all of us.”

“Wow,” my friend muses. “But I like it,” she adds. “I’d love to try it someday, if you know of two willing men.”

I stare at her.

“Chris and Chase are not available, Corrie.”

She looks astonished.

“No, no of course not. I wasn’t hinting at that!” she protests. “I’m just saying, if you know two guys …”

I shoot her a knowing look. “Don’t worry, you’ve already put your desires out into the universe. The Gods have heard, and the menage will find you.”

“Ooh, how mysterious,” she giggles. But then she blinks with confusion once more. “But Patty, don’t you think it’s weird that you’re dipping your carrot cake in ketchup? I mean, if you’re with two men, and they’re finishing inside you, that means that you have double the chance of getting pregnant right?”

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