Heavenly Hacked (Reckless Bastards MC 5) - Page 39

“Well I have some stuff,” he said. He got up and rooted around in his desk before coming back to his seat. He gave me a long look as if confirming something about me in his mind and then slid a flash drive to me. “Think about this; he’s governor with no good excuse to have underage girls surrounding him. How is he getting his fix?”

I had a feeling Terry had the answer. I took a pull from my beer while Jag sat silently beside me and got comfortable. Whatever Terry was willing to share, I needed to hear.

And we had all the time in the world to listen to him.

Chapter Nineteen


“You wanna tell me why the fuck a bunch of our prospects were attacked at Shandy’s?” I opened the door to find three pissed off bikers, Cross, Gunnar and Savior, darkening my doorstep.

“How in the fuck should I know?” I stepped back to let the guys enter now that I knew what in the hell they were doing on my doorstep at eleven at night. Without a fucking call.

“How about because that asshole Rizzoli is claiming you stole from him,” Cross spat at me. “Tell me you didn’t.”

His words sent a white-hot rage pulsing through me. “If you have to ask then it doesn’t matter what the fuck I have to say, does it?” I led them into the kitchen and took up the spot against my fridge. Waiting. Angry and waiting.

“Come on, man just tell us. You and Blue Hair planning on taking the Roadkill cash and blowing out of town?” Gunnar leaned back and put his big fucking boots on my table.

“Get your fucking feet off my table.” I wasn’t in the mood for bullshit, particularly Gunnar’s brand of bullshit. “Is there anything else you need to accuse me of or are you ready to get the fuck out?”

“We had to ask, Jag.” Savior, attempting to be the voice of reason, was laughable.

“You really didn’t but I guess it’s good to know where I stand.” I would never fucking tell the guys but hearing them say that shit, hurt. I never once, not since I became a Reckless Bastard, felt like an outcast or an outsider. No one gave a damn that I was black or that I was the only black member. But right now, I felt like an outsider and it had nothing at all to do with the color of my skin. “We done?”

“You gonna act like a pussy now?” Gunnar stood.

“Pussy? Fuck you, Gunnar. You vanish for more than a year and come back with a chip on your shoulder acting like an asshole and the rest of us put up with it because you have a kid to deal with. Well so fucking what and fuck you too!”

“And the money?” Cross’s voice was deadly quiet.

“I told you I didn’t fucking take it but I guess Vigo’s words carry more weight than mine. Fine, believe what the fuck you want. Just get the fuck out. Now.”

“Jag be reasonable,” Savior tried again.

“Reasonable? Is it reasonable to come to my motherfuckin’ house and accuse me based on the word of a man who wants us dead? Burned our fucking plants just to get the feds off his back?” I glared at Savior. “Yeah, I didn’t fucking think so.”

“So who took the fucking money?”

“I did.” Vivi stood in the doorway of the kitchen wearing a hell of a lot more clothes than she had on when I left the bedroom.


She shrugged. “Why shouldn’t I? I’m not part of your little biker club and I don’t answer to any of you. I do what I need to do for me.” She smacked her chest with the palm of her hand to drive the point home and damn, that chick really did have a piece of me. She was tough as hell, took no shit from anyone and didn’t back down from a fight she could win.

“No matter who it hurts?” Gunnar stared at her, his eyes angry and full of fire and accusation.

“You deal with your shit and I’ll deal with mine.”

“Your shit seems to be causing problems with our shit,” Cross reminded her.

Vivi laughed. “Bullshit. When I pulled up you were knee-deep in shit. Cops, guns, helicopters and ambulances. Seems like you had problems with them before I showed up. As a matter of fact if it wasn’t for me and my shit you wouldn’t know that it was your little friend who burned your fucking plants, would you?” She didn’t wait for an answer. “Exactly, so maybe you should take a fucking chill pill. I took his money and I’m not giving it back until I’m good and fucking ready. When I know I’m safe and don’t need to control that piece of shit, I might give it back.” She leaned against the wall and glared at each man, including me. “Or maybe I’ll just take the cash and blow out of town.”

Cross took a step forward and Vivi took a step back, hand sliding to her back pocket and I knew the shit would hit the fan in a minute.

“Put. The. Money. Back.”

She shot me a look, those grey eyes boring into me. “Jag, you need to calm your boy here. And as long as I have it, I might make it out of this shitty town alive.”

Tags: K.B. Winters Reckless Bastards MC Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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