Heavenly Hacked (Reckless Bastards MC 5) - Page 40

“No. Fuck that,” Savior piped in. “These assholes won’t stop until they have their money and now we’re caught up in your bullshit.”

Vivi laughed. “You want the money? Then go fucking get it.” She turned and left the kitchen but instead of heading back upstairs, she slammed the front door, which meant I was sleeping alone tonight.

A big ass sigh escaped because I was tired. Dog fucking tired of always fighting, always going. Always fucking on. It hadn’t stopped over the past year and I was just beat. Whether they realized it or not, all three of my brothers had just made everything more difficult than it needed to be. “Happy?”

“She can’t keep that money, Jag.” Cross’s words were insistent and bordered on an order, but I only stared. “You know that.”

“What I know is that I spent the whole fucking trip back from LA trying to convince of her that and thanks to your so-called help, Vivi is going to do exactly what the fuck she wants. When she wants.”

“Naw, man. That ain’t good enough, brother.” Gunnar smacked his hands together and went to the fridge, grabbing a beer.

“Now we’re brothers? Five minutes ago I was a fuckin’ thief.”

“You on your period, Jag?”

“Fuck you, Gunnar. Shouldn’t you be babysitting?” He flipped me off but I’d already turned back to Cross. “I didn’t know about the money until Rizzoli called, pissed as fuck. But I won’t ask her to give it back until I can be sure Roadkill won’t fuck with her.”

“That’s if she’s telling the truth and from where I’m sitting that’s a big fucking if,” Savior said, following Gunnar to pull a beer from the fridge.

“You didn’t believe Mandy either until she took a beatdown in the parking lot of her job. Maybe you should try learning from your mistakes.”

He growled, pissed that I’d brought it up but I was beyond caring. “Is that how this club works now? We have to make sure Savior believes someone before we take care of it?”

Cross sighed and dropped down into one of the kitchen chairs. “Jag we’re in a bad position here.”

“Don’t you think I fuckin’ know that? If you don’t want any part of this, fine. But I won’t abandon Vivi. And even if she isn’t around, Roadkill is still a problem. You fucking saw what Rizzoli did, but you took his word over mine, anyway.” I was so fucking done. I wanted to walk away but we had more shit to discuss. “That’s not all.”

“Did you also get married while you were in La-La Land?” Savior asked me and took a seat at the end of the table.

“Fuck you, Savior.?

? I replied, and the son of a bitch laughed. “It’s about Blaise. The guy is a fucking scumbag.”

“Says Vivi?”

“No Gunnar, says me. Asshole.” I didn’t know what his problem was, but I was past giving a shit. “We went to see a guy who used to be a journalist … until he tried to run one too many stories about Blaise and his penchant for underage pussy.”


“And Vivi is working on a plan to get him to stop. I just need to know if I can count on the club for help or not.” The room fell silent except for the sounds of four angry bikers breathing heavily.

“Vivi is working on a plan? She gonna steal from him too?”

“Since he’s tried to kill her at least three goddamn times, I’d say she’s in her rights if that’s what she chooses. What the fuck would you do if it were Maisie?”

“But it’s not,” he barked at me, pounding the table with his meaty fist.

“But it could be. Vivi is the victim here in case you fucking forgot. Either Blaise or Rizzoli want her dead because of what she’s seen, do you fucking get that? She’s seen some deep dark secrets about these assholes and I happen to be worried about her.” I stood. “You know what? I don’t give a shit. Get the fuck out,” I told them and left the kitchen, heading upstairs to my empty fucking bedroom.

There were so many thoughts going through my mind but not one of them could catch hold to become a fully formed idea. I couldn’t fucking believe it; my club didn’t have my back. After all the shit we’d been through together and this was where they chose to draw the line.

Vivi was where they drew the line.



“I can’t believe they’re acting like this!” And now I was acting like a whiny little bitch in front of my woman and that didn’t feel good at all.

Tags: K.B. Winters Reckless Bastards MC Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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