Heavenly Hacked (Reckless Bastards MC 5) - Page 41

“Fuck ‘em, Jag. I mean the whole point of all that shit is that you have each other’s backs, right?” She didn’t even wait for a response. “Think of all the shit you’ve done for them, shit that could put you in prison. All that and they can’t get over their hate of me?”

“They don’t hate you,” I said automatically.

“Don’t kid yourself, Jeremiah. They hate me and that’s okay. I don’t really give a shit. But I care that they’re doing this to you.” She fidgeted with the hem of her black t-shirt and her eyes darted around the room, uncomfortable with any display of emotion. I loved that about her.

“They don’t. Hell, Lasso even likes you. It’s just that they’re worried. We’ve had a lot of problems with people lately and most of them have had to do with the women in our lives.” I told her about Teddy’s stalker who happened to be one of the Reckless Bitches and about Mandy’s problem with Roadkill thanks to a so-called friend. “And you already know Rocky’s story.”

She whistled and then smiled. “Well that’s what happens when you’re in a biker gang, Jag.”

“Motorcycle club,” I corrected even though I knew she only did that to get under my skin.

“Right,” she said and rolled her eyes playfully. “It’s getting late and I’ve worked hard all day. I think it’s time for a treat.”

I loved it when Vivi turned playful and I loved it more when she ripped her shirt off to reveal her delicious tits. They were round and perky with perfect pink nipples. Perfectly hard pink nipples. “I do love a tasty treat,” I told her and when she turned and headed up the stairs, I followed her.

And caught her on the stairs, making her laugh. “Tasty?”

“You know damn well you are,” I told her and spun her around, kissing the hell out of her right there on the stairs. Her lips were soft and pliant, moving with mine as I led the dance. One leg wrapped around my thigh so my hips sank against hers and she moaned, tilting her head back so I could taste her beautiful neck. She arched into me. I fucking loved it when she did that.

“Jag.” The way she sighed my name sent a rod of heat straight to my cock, which I pressed into her. Hard.

“Vivi. Babe.” The way she opened her legs a little more when she sighed told me exactly what she wanted. I snapped the button on her jeans and slid my hand inside until the wet warmth of her pussy touched my fingertips. “Damn you’re so wet already. For me?”

She nodded, mouth open slightly inviting me in for another taste. I devoured her mouth this time while two fingers slid deep into her tight pussy. She was so fucking wet, so tight, she clenched around me and I knew she was already close. “Yes.” Her hips circled into me and one hand clamped the back of my neck, her teeth sank into my lips.

“Someone’s feeling greedy.”

“Damn right, ah!” She sucked in a breath when my thumb found her clit and her other hand grabbed my wrist. “Jag!”

She was so close, and my fingers began to thrust deeper and faster, the only sound was her sexy fucking gasps she made when her orgasm was close. Her pussy clenched hard, the warning before the storm.

Just before she came, a loud explosion sounded outside. Close as fuck outside, like on my damn property. Unfortunately that sound and the fiery light that lit up the entire front of the house made Vivi’s orgasm a distant memory.

“Fuck! What the fuck was that, a bomb?”

I was already headed to the front window, the one in the corner with the table that held one of my guns. I pushed the curtain aside and saw two guys running away. “Close, a fucking explosion!”

I was out the door in seconds, grabbing another gun before I aimed at one of the fuckers running away. Lining up my shot, I got the fucker and he fell down.

“Shit! Go!” a man moaned.

I recognized the voice but with all the noise and chaos I couldn’t place it. Not that it mattered. I unloaded my clip into the mother fucker.

“Shit!” Vivi said beside me, staring at the wreckage. “Holy fuck is that…?”

“The Crown Vic from the tow company? Yeah.” It was there in the middle of my fucking yard. On fire. “Those sirens are definitely headed here so we need to put what we need into your camper—”

“And get it off this fucking property.” She was already heading back into the house to get who knew what while I went to the guy lying still on the ground.

He didn’t look familiar but that didn’t mean shit. He could be a hired gun, or he could be a Roadkill rookie, well he could have been. Now he was just a body. Food for worms.

“Get his ID,” Vivi shouted from behind the wheel of her camper. “So we can figure out who the hell sent him! Now!”

I reached into his front pockets and there was nothing. “Back pockets are empty too!”

“Shit.” With a muttered curse, Vivi parked her camper at the end of the road and ran back, the sound of sirens growing louder with every passing second. “Did you look in his shoe?”

I looked at her over my shoulder. “Seriously, who in the hell are you girl?”

Tags: K.B. Winters Reckless Bastards MC Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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