Heavenly Hacked (Reckless Bastards MC 5) - Page 48

“Nothing to say and if you have something to say, you should do it with my attorney.” He shocked me by grabbing my arm and yanking me against him. I screamed my ass off, hoping to draw the attention of any of the people standing around gawking.

“Shut the fuck up!” He pressed his hand over my mouth and nose and I stomped his foot with my nude stiletto. Agent Ryan wasn’t fazed, and he dragged me away outside toward his car I was sure, which I knew meant certain death for me. I couldn’t be sure if he was working for Blaise or Rizzoli and in the moment, it didn’t matter.

And I wouldn’t fucking stop trying to get away because the more progress he made, the more certain my death would be. I bit his hand. Hard.

“Asshole!” I said as soon as my mouth was free.

“Bitch!” he answered, smacking me with his left hand so it didn’t hurt as much as it could have. Also, it gave me the chance to get away. I pumped my legs hard out on the street shouting, “Agent Ryan, Las Vegas field office. Supervising Agent Robert Stevens! Address 10975 Beacham Drive. Henderson!”

But he cut me off again with his big fucking hand. I sent my head swinging back right into his nose.

“You’ll pay for that bitch!”

I didn’t realize I’d run right in the direction of his car. Fuck.

He got the door open and shoved me into the front seat in one practiced move and when I slid to the other side in a desperate escape attempt, he was there with a hard fist aimed right at my eye.

This wasn’t going to end well.

Chapter Twenty-Three


“Jag, we have a big fucking problem, man.” Lasso’s deep voice and southern twang sent a chill down my spine.

“What?” I stood in the doorway of the ballroom where Rocky promised me Vivi would be as she took down Blaise. The good news was that Blaise and his family were hurrying off the stage while his security and the event coordinators ran helter skelter trying to stop the images on the screen. I could tell they didn’t even know where they were coming from. That was my girl. But where was she?

“She’s not here,” Lasso said.

Rocky had promised she would be in the ballroom, which meant I just missed her.

“Max has eyes on Vivi with some brown-haired dude who looks like a cop.”

“Max? What the hell is he doing here?”

Lasso grinned. “You didn’t think we’d let you come alone, did you?” I had actually, but I was grateful that it wasn’t just me and Lasso.

“Shit.” Lasso had his phone glued to his ear. “He’s got her in a car. Black Nissan, Nevada plates.”

My heart stopped but my feet were already moving toward the door. To Vivi. “Shit, we need to move fast. Who knows where he took her? Or why?”

It was the whys that were driving me fucking crazy. If that dude was working for Rizzoli, then he’d hand Vivi over to that asshole and let him act out every sick fantasy he’d ever had.

“Fuck! If I’d just been there with her.”

“Jag, man come on. Worry about that shit later. Right now we need to get your girl.” Lasso clapped me on the back and we hauled ass to our bikes, Lasso still on the phone with Max who was close behind the car.

My phone rang but I was already speeding up Las Vegas Boulevard, so I tapped the headset in my helmet. “Yeah?” It was Vivi’s voice and a man’s. The man was angry.

“What the fuck do you care about a bunch of bikers? They’re scum.” His voice was dark and angry.

Vivi laughed. “You’re working with Rizzoli who’s the scummiest of all of them.” He made a strangled noise that pulled another laugh from Vivi. “Yeah Agent Ryan, you’re not the only asshole who can dig. No matter what you do to me, you’re in deep shit.”

He laughed. “You’re full of shit, little girl. If you had anything on me, you would’ve known who I was.”

“I did know. I just didn’t realize you were crazy enough to kidnap me in public. It’s a good thing I found those not-so-secret emails with Rizzoli about trying to start a gang war. And those payments for trafficking those poor young girls. And you know who appreciated it most of all? Agent Hewitt.”

There was a smack or maybe it was a punch, but if it was a punch I would fucking put him in the ground. Vivi’s grunt hit me right in the gut but my girl, she was too tough to cry.

Tags: K.B. Winters Reckless Bastards MC Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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