Heavenly Hacked (Reckless Bastards MC 5) - Page 49

“Bitch,” the Fed muttered under his breath.

“I’ve been called worse but I’m sure that’s what the boys in Cell Block C will call you when they pass you around, filling your tight little asshole with hot sticky come.”

I could hear the tremor of fear in her voice, so I knew the asshole Fed could too.

“Keep talking, bitch, and you’ll end up just another body in the desert.” He sounded serious and I hoped Vivi heeded his warning.

But of course she didn’t as she continued to give him shit. “Either way, you’re going down. Sure, you got me by showing up here at the casino, but the damage has been done. My guess is that right now your entire field office is searching for you. Probably already tracking this monstrosity.”

Damn, she was taunting that unstable asshole. Didn’t she realize he wouldn’t hesitate to retaliate?

“You’re bluffing,” he accused.

“It doesn’t matter to me. I have contingency plan upon contingency plan. Do you?”

Vivi let out a grunt as that fucker landed another blow but it slowly morphed into a laugh. “Did you know your wife, Camille, is fucking the professor that lives two doors down from you? Probably you suspected, but did you know that she’s been fucking him since before little Adam was born?”

Stitch zoomed past us in the SUV with a wave, speeding so fast that we lost sight of him quickly. I nodded to Lasso and we sped up too, pushing the next half-mile until the Nissan came into view. And like the good fucking soldier he was, Stitch was in place ready to ram them off the road. He straddled both lanes while Vivi had Agent Ryan distracted. Stitch pitted the car, making it spin and kick up dirt until it came to a stop at a weird angle, nose first into the ravine.

Two gun shots sounded, and my heart stopped just as I dropped the kickstand on the bike and rushed to get Vivi. I was either going to rescue her or murder a federal agent. Either way, that motherfucker was dead. My feet moved faster than they had since I was a scrawny assed-kid running away from bullies, pulling her from the car and frantically checking her for injuries.

“Christ, Vivi. Say something.” She had a large gash on her forehead and her pulse was racing so I knew she was fine. “Dammit, Vivi!”

“Quit your bellyaching Jeremiah, I’ve got a massive fucking headache. You ever been hit with a gun?”

r /> “Yeah. Hurts like a motherfucker, don’t it?”

“Even worse.” She smiled and only winced a little when I cupped her face to make sure she was all right.

“Nice wig. Maybe you can keep it?” It was inappropriate and the wrong timing, but it made her smile brighter and she opened her eyes.


“I’m undercover.”

I smirked at her words and helped her stand. “You scared the hell out of me.” Vivi sagged against me, proof of just how much this whole day had affected her.

“Watch out, Jag!” I turned at the sound of Lasso’s voice, and sure enough, Ryan had his sights set on me or Vivi. Maybe both of us. His gun was already pointed at us, finger dancing with the trigger. I didn’t have enough time to get to my gun before he shot but Vivi didn’t think twice about pulling her blade and aiming it at Agent Ryan.

The knife sliced the air with a wicked zinging sound and landed in his gut.

“Cunt!” he barked, then grinned, lifting the gun again but not before shots rang out. Two of them, hitting him right in the chest, sending that asshole to hell where he belonged.

With a gasp, Vivi turned and a small smile lit her face. “Agent Hewitt, I presume?”

He nodded and walked closer to us. I pulled Vivi closer and slightly behind me. “I am. Nice to meet you Vivi and I’m sorry it took so long but bureaucracy can be a real bitch.”

“Thanks for the assist back there.” She began to sag against me even more as shock set in and the adrenaline began to wear off. Realizing her display of vulnerability, she stood straight. Shoulders squared.

“It’s me who owes you a thanks. That guy would’ve gotten me killed and probably a bunch of your friends, too.”

She nodded, skin looking paler by the second. When the EMS arrived and rushed to her, Vivi tried to brush them off. “I’m fine. Really.”

“Vivi, let him check you out. Please.”

She nodded and followed behind the paramedic. “I will but only because I’m feeling a little woozy,” she said, her voice breathless.

I followed, not liking how unsteady her legs were and the way her words began to drag. “Wait!” I ordered.

Tags: K.B. Winters Reckless Bastards MC Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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