Sinfully Scarred (Reckless Bastards MC 2) - Page 3

“No way, tonight is Tate’s big night. He needs our support.”

“Jana, do his books if you want to support him. Don’t stay and be uncomfortable, unless of course I’m asking you to.” Just as I hoped, she smiled and rolled her eyes.

Max flashed a grin filled with gratitude. “That’s a good idea. Go tell him and I’ll take you home.”

“Don’t worry Max, I’ll take her. I need some time with my girl anyway.”

“Thanks, Teddy.”

“Don’t mention it, Max.” I stood by the door, ignoring the angry stares of the women who looked like they were rode hard and put away wet and the looks of the bikers, probably imagining me naked.

If only they knew, I thought to myself with a grin.


“He actually said he couldn’t believe I was still so hot,” I griped on the phone to Jana as I drove home from the office. “And then he told me I could make big money on reality TV. I wanted to choke that motherfucker, Jana.”

I heard her snicker down the line and it made me smile. “Those reality people think no one has ever made the money they make, Teddy. It’s good no one knows how rich you are.”

“You’re right, but it still pisses me off.” I was half tempted to rub strawberries all over his face, but anaphylaxis was a surefire way to end my business. “Anyway, how are you?”

She sighed and I swear I could hear her smile. “Good. Work has been great, but busy. Max wants to get married sooner rather than later.”

“Of course he does, the man is cuckoo for you. You still want to marry him, right?”

“Hell yeah I do! I love Max, it’s just hard to believe this is happening.”

“Not if you know you—which I do. Trust me, this is exactly what’s supposed to happen for you.”

She sighed heavily, still not accustomed to accepting compliments. “Thanks, Teddy. I called to invite you to dinner tonight.”

“Sure,” I told her absently as I walked up the five steps to my little split-level home. Blue roses in a beautiful crystal vase were on my stoop. No card or note, and a gold box that looked like it held lingerie or chocolate. “Did you send me flowers?”

“No, maybe it was one of your clients?”

“Unlikely,” I scoffed. “They’d never get something so subdued, trust me.” I got a weird feeling about the flowers, because no delivery person would simply leave them out like this.

I chose to leave the items on the porch, went inside and kicked off my shoes. The truth was, the reason I went so hardcore on physical therapy and fitness was due to my love of expensive shoes — not because I was an image conscious former model. “What’s for dinner?”

“Why don’t you show up and find out?”

I laughed. “Oooh, my little kitten has claws. Rawr!”

She laughed. “Come whenever, crazy lady. Bye.”

Jana was the best friend I’d ever had. The only real friend I’d ever had who didn’t want something from me, other than my friendship. I loved her for that, but I also loved her delicious home cooking. I showered and changed, ignoring the packages on my porch as I exited the house again and made my way to Jana’s place.

When I arrived, I noticed a bike in the driveway, but that wasn’t all that uncommon since Max pretty much lived there these days.

Before Jana met Max, I’d walk right in. Now, I knocked. Every damn time. Walking in on my best friend getting rammed by the love of her life wasn’t something I ever wanted to see. Not again.

The door opened to reveal a smiling blond, but not the one I was expecting. “Here for the free food too?”

“And the company. How’s the tattoo business, Tate?”

He shrugged and stood back to let me in. “So far, so good. Need to do some marketing shit to keep up the steady flow but you know how it is.”

“I do. If you need tips, ask.” Jana stood at the counter tossing a salad with a satisfied grin of a woman who’d recently had an orgasm. “Damn J, you look hot!”

Tags: K.B. Winters Reckless Bastards MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025