Sinfully Scarred (Reckless Bastards MC 2) - Page 4

She looked up with a blush. “Thanks Teddy but it’s just a dress.”

“Tell that to Marilyn’s iconic white dress.” Her blush deepened and I gave her break. “So this is like a full on party, huh?”

“Not at all, but I felt like cooking and figured I’d invite our two favorite people. You okay?”

I sighed and put on my best catalog model smile. “Sure, just a bit tired. Brides are the worst!” I laughed and wrapped her up in a hug, feeling uncharacteristically touchy-feely today. “You need some help?”

“You remember how to make that vinaigrette I showed you?”

“Do I? I only make it once a day, so I think I got this.” Back when it became clear that my modeling career was over, the first thing I learned how to do was cook to avoid eating out every night. Okay, to avoid going out every night. But meeting Jana had taught me that I didn’t know what cooking was until she showed me her skills. She smiled as I began to move around her kitchen, pulling out ingredients. “Where’s Max?”

“The grill,” she said with a soft smile. “He loves my cooking but he says, she lowered her voice in a mock Max voice, “‘grilling is man’s work.’”

That was such a Max thing to say. The man wasn’t a chauvinist or a pig, but he had a mile-wide protective streak and I appreciated that about him. “Just be sure he thinks cleaning that bad boy is also men’s work.”

She laughed and picked up the mac & cheese that made my stomach stand up and protest its hunger. “I’ll let you tell him that.”

“Why me? You’re the one he sees naked, use that to your advantage.”

“Let’s go, cuckoo bird. We’re eating in the backyard tonight.”

We ate out in the yard a lot, especially now that Jana had decked it all out, making it the perfect place to entertain almost year-round thanks to the mostly mild weather in Mayhem. I thought about the flowers on my stoop. It still gave me a strange feeling, but I couldn’t even describe it if I’d wanted to. And with two overprotective former service members, I really had no desire to bring up my suspicions now.

Besides who in the hell would stalk me? I was a party planner. A damn good one, but still, not exactly living a high-risk lifestyle.

“Hey, you okay?” Tate looked at me halfway through dinner, his gray eyes shining with concern.

I slapped a smile on my face, which he clearly didn’t buy, and nodded. “Yep, I’m good. Thanks. How are you?”

His lips twitched with amusement. “Getting better every day.”

“Glad to hear it,” I said and tapped my glass to his beer bottle. “To getting better.”

He grinned and tapped my glass again.

By the time the meal was over and the dishes were done, I felt better but still uneasy. That gift had me rattled and I’d learned in the early days of my modeling career to listen to my gut. It was how I avoided being left alone with certain photographers and models, and why I had a reputation as a good girl, because I didn’t go to parties where kids had no business being. Right now, I was getting those same vibes.

“Hey, are you sure you’re all right,” Jana asked.

“Just a little frazzled. I’ll be fine after a good night of rest.”

“Okay. If you’re sure,” she said but she didn’t believe me. “I’ll let that answer slide. Tonight. Tomorrow, we’re talking about it.”

“Damn, look who’s gotten bossy as hell.”

“Between you and Max, I had to adapt.” The pink on her face and neck told the whole story. Jana was still getting used to voicing her opinions. “Tomorrow,” she said and pointed a finger my way.

“Tomorrow,” I agreed as I stepped out into the slightly cooler, but still warm, night air.

“Hey, you want me to follow you home? You seem spooked.”

Dammit, was Tate a decent guy too? “Thanks for the offer, but I’m fine. I swear.”

“Be safe,” he said as he hopped on his bike, started it and drove off like a rocket.

I appreciated the gesture, but I’d been on my own for a very long time and whatever this was, I would handle it. But inside my house, I double-checked every door and window just to be safe. Everything was locked up tight, the security system was armed and I headed upstairs to get ready for bed.

By the time my head hit the pillow, every sound I heard was a potential serial killer coming to do me in.

Tags: K.B. Winters Reckless Bastards MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025