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Lunchtime Chronicles: Naked Sushi

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Now it was Spring. Birds chirped. Insects buzzed, and frogs croaked along the trunks of fallen trees. Wild flowers sprouted everywhere, drenching the park in an aromatic bouquet.

I walked toward my starting point.

Three baby squirrels played along the front of the old wooden coaster named Ripping Thunder. The long ride stretched 6000 feet and surrounded all of the park.

I liked to start at the coaster’s beginning and run to the end. That gave me a nice two miles and allowed me to see all of the park. If my knees didn’t creak too much and my hips didn’t ache, I repeated the run.

Here we go.

I plugged my headphones in my ears and turned on my favorite podcast, Drunk Sistas.

Steena’s high-pitched voice filled my ears. “Alright ladies. We are here to have a blast!”

“Yes, ma’am!” Alice laughed. “And I’ve been drinking all afternoon, so let’s go. My ass may pass out before we finish recording.”

Bending over, I stretched my legs.

“Oh, Alice! We don’t have time for your mess today.” Steena chuckled. “But we do have time for another person that puts the capital M in messy.”

I rose and did a quick stretch of my arms.

Alice chimed in, “Oh, I’ve been excited about this person all week.”

Let’s see what these old bones are going to let me do today.

I broke out into a light jog.

My feet hit the ground at a steady rhythm.

Steena clapped, “Let’s introduce our guest, Gossip Columnist Messy Mandy.”

This interview should be fun.

I steadied my breathing as I maintained a nice speed.

“Thank you, ladies!” Messy Mandy’s voice came on. “I am over here drinking too!”

Steena giggled. “What are you drinking over there, Messy?”

“First of all, please don’t call me Messy. I need you to say both words.”

Steena cleared her throat. “I apologize. What are you drinking over there, Messy Mandy?”

“Thank you, honey. I am over here sipping on something my boo made up. It’s called a Cowboy Margarita.”

“Girl, that sounds amazing,” Steena said. “What’s in it?”

“Three parts Jose Cuervo. Three parts frozen limeade. Two parts beer. A splash of orange juice with a jalapeno on top.”

“Spicy and sweet,” Steena proclaimed.

Alice yelled. “I like the sound of that.”

“It’s delicious.”

Increasing my jog to a full out run, I made a note to try that drink myself.

Alice burped. “And who is your boo, Messy Mandy?”

Mandy’s cheery voice shifted. “Oh, honey. Please mind your business. I didn’t ask you for your man’s name. Don’t be asking me for mine.”

“Alrighty then.” Steena clapped again. “Messy Mandy has not come here to play with us today.” Steena took a loud sip of her drink. “So, through my research I saw that you have a twin right?”

Messy Mandy sucked her teeth. “You are all up in my personal business today.”

Laughing, I almost stumbled over a broken branch. I averted it and pushed forward, heading to my favorite spot—the carousel. Already, I could make it out in the distance.

Jonas had spent months refurbishing the ride. Sometimes I would pass him as he painted a horse or retouched the sparkling gems at the top.

The carousel featured hand-carved animals. Gold chariot seats were mounted on the circular platform. Gold leaf accents decorated the line of mirrors at the top.

Steena’s voice went serious. “This is an interview. We must ask some questions.”

“Not about my man or sister. Those are two people I will cut somebody over.”

Alice let out a nervous laugh. “Don’t cut us now!”

“Please don’t,” Steena added.

Suddenly, I stopped listening as the carousel’s view appeared clearer in front of me.

What is this?

I slowed my run.

Who are these people around the carousel?

I sniffed the area and caught the savory aroma of roasted meat. Instantly, my stomach grumbled. I’d had a protein shake thirty minutes ago, but with that smell in the air, my body surely wanted something more appetizing.

Did Jonas rent the place out?

Four people carried silver trays to a table near the carousel. They were all dressed in white.

Being super nosy, I slowed more and took in the scene.

The men in white were decorating a long table with roses, candles, and covered silver platters of food. On the other side of them, a ten-person orchestra tuned their instruments. I spotted violins, violas, and a cello. A woman tested her flute out by a man tapping a triangle.

Is this a wedding or something?

Further off, I saw what looked to be black-suited guards, standing in a military position—arms stiff to the side and facing forward.

And then I spotted the handsome stranger from last night—Reo.

Shock jolted me.

What the hell? This can’t be a coincidence.

Dressed in a designer black suit, Reo stood by the carousel’s white horse and directed men. A crimson red rose was in his breast pocket.

Another man was on Reo’s right, holding a clipboard and checking things off with a pen.

What is going on?

Dumbstruck, I shifted to walking. Once I came close to the carousel, I pulled out my headphones and stopped the podcast. At this point, Messy Mandy was cursing out both of the Drunk Sistas’ hosts. I would have to rewind it later.

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