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Lunchtime Chronicles: Naked Sushi

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Reo looked my way. A wicked smile spread across his chiseled face, sending heat stirring through me.

His silky voice came next. “Good afternoon, Layla. Can I persuade you to have lunch with me?”

I parted my lips, but nothing came out.

“Of course. You can still finish your run.” He left the carousel, walked over, and stopped in front of me. “I can wait as long as necessary. I’ve made sure that the food will still be warm when you return.”

I held out my hands. “How?”

He leaned his head to the side. “How what?”

“How did you figure out my name or that I ran here? How did you even get access to this place?”

His cologne swirled around me. It was an interesting scent—masculine with earthy tones. Being so close, I took in more of his features. I had to admit that Reo was even more gorgeous in the daylight.

The wicked smile deepened. “You look impressed.”

“No. This expression means that I’m creeped out.”

“Yet, you should be impressed.”

I crossed my arms over my chest. “Why?”

“I’m so intrigued with you I exhausted a lot of resources to find you.”

I scanned the area. A small table was on the right with two chairs. A bouquet of white roses stood in the center. Two members of the orchestra spotted me. They gestured to the others and then everyone began to play. A soft melody that rose in the air.

“When’s the last time you’ve been spoiled, Layla?”

I turned back to him.

“Can you even remember the last romantic gesture?”

I frowned.

“Give me a chance.” He gestured around him. “You’re safe. It’s daytime and in public.”

Skepticism covered my face.

“Sure. This place is abandoned and these people work for me, but find solace in the fact that if I wanted to take you,” His gaze slipped from my head down to my toes. “I could have had you long ago.”

I stepped back.

“I hope that statement didn’t scare you.” His face turned serious. “I deal in hard truths. Honesty is always the best policy for me. So, I promise to always be honest with you.”

“Then, what’s your end goal with this lunch?”

“To romance you.”


“I’ve already told you my proposition.”

I touched my chest. “Eating sushi off me?”

“Correct.” He said it like it was the most normal concept to behold. “I would be honored if you let me do so.”

“And you would want sex too?”

“I would, but I’m also fine with you only being my naked sushi model. Beggars can never be choosy.” Reo held out his hand as if beckoning me to take it. “For now, I only ask you to have lunch with me.”

“I don’t even know your name.”

“Reo Bando.”

“And. . .you’re from?”

“I was born in Bangkok. Now I live in Tokyo.” He gave me a sweet smile. “Any other questions?”

“If I say no to lunch?”

The wicked smile returned. “But, you don’t want to say no.”

The orchestra’s song rose and danced with his words. The effect stirred my soul. The men in white gathered behind Reo, waiting for his next order.

Reo studied me.

Under his sexy gaze, I felt wild and free.

He’s right. I don’t want to say no.

He raised his eyebrows. “Should we eat?”

I pushed away my worries. “Yes. I’ll have lunch with you.”


A Romantic Picnic



cross the immaculately decorated table, the server poured Layla a glass of champagne.

She watched the other server place a plate of lobster tail and roasted potatoes in front of her and disappear. Another one appeared with a silver bowl of white sauce. He filled the ladle with it and lathered the sauce over the tail.

She smiled. “Thank you.”

The server bowed and rushed off.

I didn’t touch my own plate. All I could do was watch her in utter amusement.

She picked up her fork, took a piece of the tail, and then tried it. She closed her eyes. A soft groan left her.

The sound drummed through me. My cock was already awake with her near. Now it awaited more of those groans.

I licked my lips. “Do you like it?”

She opened her eyes. “I do.”

“Any regrets so far?”

“No.” She looked around and chuckled.

I quirked my brows. “What’s so funny?”

“This was not the plan for my day.”

I picked up my champagne, took a sip, and savored the smooth liquid. “What was your plan?”

“I have a peanut butter-banana sandwich in the car. It’s in my little refrigerated lunch bag and has an apple and water bottle next to it.” She tried a small potato. Another murmur of enjoyment left her.

She’s so vocal in her pleasure. It’s going to be amazing fucking her.

My cock jerked in my pants. “You were going to eat it in the car?”

“I brought an extra sandwich for Jonas. Sometimes I bump into him and we’ll have lunch together.”

My jaw twitched.

I made a note to have someone watch this Jonas. While he didn’t seem like her type—balding, a huge belly, and not big on showers—I wouldn’t allow any competition.

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