Always With You (Forever Yours 2) - Page 10

“Okay,” I sigh heavily, accepting this for the time being. “Well, I don’t think that they are here for you, but they might ask you a few questions if they find out about the wreck. Are you sure you don’t want to stay with me tonight? That way you can get some sleep and have a minute to figure out where you want to go.”

It might be me that’s too tired. I really don’t think that I should be inviting someone who has clearly a criminal into my house, but to be honest I can’t see him as that. I still see the teenage boy who I was madly in love with. If anything, he’s lost his way and might need a helping hand.

“I don’t know.” He still sounds unsure, but I guess his fear of the cops overshadows that. “Maybe…”

“Just come today, then we can work things out. Luckily, I’m not supposed to be working today anyway so I can wait for you, and we can get a cab. Sort things out from there.”

He doesn’t seem to have the strength to argue which is good because I can’t help wanting to keep an eye on him. He’s obviously in trouble, but reluctantly he agrees, and I blow out a breath of relief. I can look after him, because fate clearly wanted our lives to collide again. I’m not sure what he will figure out tonight and if we will even keep in touch after he leaves, but I’m going to do my best to help him.


It isn’t until later on that the discharge papers finally come back. There is always so much going on at a hospital that things can take a long time, but it’s probably for the best because it has given me time to wrap my head around things. This situation is insane, hopefully this is the right decision

The cab ride home is strange, there is no denying that. We sit in the back next to one another, our knees almost touching. I can’t tell if it’s sexual chemistry or tension between us as we drive. We’ve been apart for so long, I can’t read him. Ted could be dangerous now, especially if he’s worried about the police.

He could be a hardened criminal with a murderous past about to catch up with him and I just invited him into my home. But I only see him as Ted Landon, my sweet next door neighbor that I have a crush on.

I have no idea how this will end up, but fate brought Ted back into my life and I already have my blinders up. This could be the worst idea I’ve ever had, falling back in love with my first love. I just hope that I can pick myself up a second time around if I need to.

Chapter 6 – Ted

“Thank you,” I say awkwardly as we step inside Chloe’s. “I appreciate you letting me stay…”

“You’re staying for the night at the very least. I am a nurse so if anything goes wrong… not that it will, I can help.” I must look panicked. “But I would rather keep an eye on you just in case. Plus, this place is familiar Which might be helpful while …”

“Take a seat.” She points to the nice comfy couch that she has in the living room. “I will get us some coffee.”

It’s hard for me to sit still. I don’t belong here, and if I had anywhere else in the world that I could go, I would. The only positive thing about being here, is that no one knows about a connection that I have to Chloe or this place, so no one will be looking for me. Ever since my parents left, I haven’t mentioned it. Stix was always too fucked up to even know what was going on with me and her, I’m sure.

So, no one will be looking for me here. Honestly, I don’t have any idea if anyone is looking for me at all, whether it be the police or the people who shot Stix, or even my uncle, but I need to be careful.

Fuck… I could be in huge trouble. What the hell did Stix do to be killed? And, who the hell did it? My anxiety swells just thinking about it. I hope they didn’t know that I lived there with him.

“Here you are.” Chloe hands me a drink and I am snapped back to the present. Grabbing the mug she hands me. “Is that okay?”

“Yeah, sure.” I smile and take a sip of the coffee. “Thank you, this is really good coffee.” I cringe as soon as those words come out of my mouth. I feel like a teenager, awkward and insecure all of a suddenm. “Thanks.”

“So, you’re feeling okay?” Thankfully, Chloe doesn’t seem to notice my dumb comment. “No pain?”

Tags: Mia Ford Forever Yours Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024