Back to You (Forever Yours 1) - Page 27

I sigh heavily, the booze sloshing in my stomach, making me want to puke.

“I just wish that you were here to tell me what to do, Sadie. I don’t have an anchor without you. Especially when it comes to Jill… Help me….”

Chapter 13 – Jill

I wipe the sweat off of my forehead, glad to finally have that kitchen cleaned. Now every single room in the house is clean and organized. This house was a mess when I got here. His illness has made him tired, and it’s made it hard for him to do anything.

There is a lot to do around here, cleaning was the biggest priority, but next I have to help him sort all of this mail. I’m worried because I see a pretty big stack of bills. I wonder how long they’ve been sitting here.

My dad hasn’t said anything to me, but I know that he’s behind on paying for things. I have seen enough red stamped envelopes to know that things aren’t great. Unfortunately, I came back here without any cash, so I need to earn some, to help him get things back to where they need to be. The stress of money is probably weighing on him, which doesn’t help his situation.

“Right.” I nod, satisfied with what I have accomplished so far. “Time to get on the computer. See what I can find.”

My father is napping upstairs, sleeping off the pain meds he just took, which gives me some free time to search for any job available around here. During my travels I have worked in all kinds of jobs, a mix of everything and anything. I might have had a solid career plan once upon a time, but now I have work experience in every sector. That works out well for me because it means that I can apply for anything and everything. I’m not fussy with what job I get, I don’t care what I do as long as it has a paycheck coming my way. As long as I can help my dad.

I barely even look at the job descriptions as I’m applying. I literally apply for everything listed. Hoping at least one thing works out while I’m here. I’ve learned a lot through all the places I’ve been. I’m sure that will be valuable for someone.

Maybe that wasn’t the education that I was supposed to have, but my experience is useful. I haven’t gone the traditional route on anything in the last four years. What do people expect after what I went through? I don’t use that excuse though. I tell people that I love to travel. Not that I am running from my problems.

After submitting a ton of applications, I get up to stretch. And to go see if my dad is hungry for lunch…


It isn’t until almost dinner time that my cell phone rings, and since I don’t recognize the number on my screen, I hold tightly on to the hope that it could be something from the job applications I sent out. Admittedly, that’s a very high and possibly unrealistic hope, but I need income sooner rather than later.

“Hello?” I answer in the most professional tone of voice that I can manage. “Jill Michaels speaking.”

“Ah, Jill, this is Elsie.” I narrow my eyes. I don’t know anyone with that name. “I am calling from Aqua Emporium.”

“Oh right.” I don’t know what to say. Maybe I should have looked at what I was applying for after all, because now I feel caught off guard, and I don’t remember the names of any of the companies. “Nice to hear from you, Elsie, thank you for your call.”

“Well, we received your job application today to work in the admin department in our executive office. We are holding job interviews tomorrow and I know that this might be short notice, but we would love to talk to you.”

I don’t mind working in admin and I have the experience of doing a similar role before. Plus, this is a company willing to take a chance on me. Even if it is only to interview at the moment. I would have to be insane to say no to an opportunity, especially when me and Dad really need the money.

“Oh, that would be wonderful,” I reply in a sunny tone of voice. “Thank you so much.”

“Great. I have your email address with the application, so I can send you all the details. I just wanted to speak to you first to see if this might work last minute.”

“Yes, for sure.” My pulse. If I can get this job, then I can make things better for my dad. At least until he is well again. “Thank you.”

As soon as we hang up the phone, I start researching Aqua Emporium so I have information for the interview. I need this job.

Tags: Mia Ford Forever Yours Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024