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Always (Always & Forever 1)

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"She's on the other side videoing Autumn." Kane pointed and Avery spotted her with the camera trained on Autumn. She waved in his direction. That overwhelming pride swelled more as he loosened his tie and undid the buttons at the top of his neck.

"We should have had more children," Avery whispered, dropping his tie in his side suit coat pocket. He wasn't sure why he even put the tie back on after his flight, except he knew Kane liked him dressed up, and he wanted to please him after not seeing him for so long.

"No. I'm glad I stood firm. They're perfect just like this," Kane said, his eyes back on Robert who was running down the court, dribbling the ball.

"I miss you guys," Avery said, watching Robert too.

"We miss you," Kane whispered, leaning in, playfully bumping a shoulder against Avery's, but keeping his eyes focused on Robert.

"Shoot, Robert!" Kane yelled, standing and wildly clapping his hands as the shot slid right through the net. Avery was up beside him, maybe a little slower, but with two fingers in his mouth, whistling loudly. That caught Robert's attention, and he looked up, grinning at a smiling Avery.

Okay, today with his family was worth whatever cost they might endure. Avery was truly a very lucky, lucky man. As Kane's strong arm slid around his waist, he realized things were just about as perfect as they could be.

Chapter 24

"I like Georgetown," Kane said from the bathroom door of their home in Stillwater. Avery stood over the sink as he finished brushing his teeth, glancing into the mirror to see Kane perched against the doorjamb, his pajama pants on and his shirt off. Both Robert and Autumn were gone for the night to sleepovers. Kane and Avery were alone in the house or as alone as they could be with the team of security Avery had watching over his family. Avery finished up at the sink, and Kane turned away from the door, heading toward bed.

"Are you sure we need so much security, Avery?" Kane asked.

"Babe, I don't want to take any more chances with you guys. We can tone it down when you get to DC, if things settle some."

"I can't see that my father would seriously try and hurt us, Avery," Kane said. He lifted the bed covers and started to shove his pants down.

"Honey, about your father…" Avery's tone, more than his words stopped Kane in mid- motion. "No, don't stop. You're still sexy as hell, and it's been a long month. Push 'em all the way down. I've missed you, Kane." Avery gestured with his hands before taking his robe off and dropping it at the end of the bed. When the kids weren't home for the night, they always reverted back to their old ways of sleeping—no clothes.

"No…you keep going. What about my father?" Kane kicked out of the pajama pants, but sat on the bed, facing Avery, concern clear on his face.

"Babe…Listen. I'm just going to say it. I went down to talk to him today," Avery confessed, making his way back around the bed to Kane's side.

"What? Avery, you didn't." Kane's brows narrowed, watching every movement he made until Avery stood directly in front of him.

"I did. I should have told you, but I'm tired of him hurting you, and I didn't want you to stop me." Avery kept his eyes locked on Kane's.

"So you went there and gave him more ammunition to use against us?" Kane scrubbed his hands over his face. He reached back for his pajama pants, but Avery stopped him.

"Kane, I thought about that, but the way he milks you for money, I thought I could pay him off. That's it. Maybe intimidate him a little and pay him off," Avery said, stepping back with Kane's pajama pants in his hands, refusing to let his husband add any physical barriers to the emotion-filled conversation.

"He's my problem, not yours. You don't even know them!" Kane was up on Avery, grabbing at his pants. "You shouldn't have even known about the money I give him. How did you know? Do you watch everything I do?"

"Of course not! It comes up on the taxes, Kane, and he's our problem. We're married, it's our money you're sending, and besides, he isn't going to be much of a problem anymore. Well, in the normal sense. I think he's going to be a huge problem, but not like before," Avery said, letting Kane snatch his pants back, but he'd lost some of his steam as the words settled in.

"What does that mean?" Kane asked.

"Honey, your dad apparently has a thing for young women," Avery said, now taking a step toward him.

"What?" Kane said, balancing on one foot until he abandoned putting the pants back on and just stood there staring at Avery, apparently letting the words sink in.

"I caught him with a young woman. She turned out to be barely seventeen, a police officer's daughter. I guess there are more your dad's been with in his parish." Avery watched the confusion cloud Kane's eyes.

"More?" Kane asked. Avery knew he must be struggling as he tried to comprehend what he heard. "Did you go alone? Could you have seen it wrong, Avery?"

"No. I took two of my security guards with me, but the girl was very upset and spilled to the police. It's the only reason I was so late to Robert's game." Avery reached out and gripped Kane's hip, but otherwise kept his distance.

"Is she all right?" Kane stepped into Avery, concern clear in his voice.

"I believe so. I know what I saw, but I don't think things got that far. Your dad was arrested immediately. He was still spouting Bible verses as the police car door closed and they drove away. We left soon after. The sheriff and arresting officers agreed to keep this quiet for now, but with him being as vocal as he's been lately, I didn't want to take any chances and rushed home. I didn't want you to hear about this from anyone else. This is something we'll have to deal with soon enough. I want you prepared. Our public relations people are ready to field any calls we get."

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