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Always (Always & Forever 1)

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"Avery, this is…I can't believe it. I had no idea," Kane said, visibly shaken as he tried to step away, but Avery held on tight.

"I know you didn't. And I'm sorry I had to tell you. We'll deal with it together just like we always do. Come to bed. I've missed you. I don't want him to affect us ever again," Avery said and slowly began to walk Kane back toward the bed.

"Is the girl okay?" Kane asked again. Avery pulled Kane close and pressed his lips to his husband's forehead.

"She is, I promise, and I'll stay involved, but I don't want you connected. Let me handle this. Come to bed and hold me. I've missed you. It's awful sleeping alone. I think that might be the worst part of our separation," Avery said, trying to draw Kane to bed. He'd missed Kane and having to come home and tell him the latest news about his father gutted him. And they called themselves Christians? The man led a congregation for Christ's sake, yet he'd been stealing money from his son and forcing himself on young women. Kane was strong, but Avery hadn't been sure how he would handle the news. Now, all he wanted to do was comfort Kane and keep him from worrying any more tonight.

"Honey…come to bed. I'll check in with the police department in the morning. Your father's not going to hurt you, or our children, or anyone else for that matter, anymore. He's done. That's what we need to focus on." Avery threw back the covers, climbed in bed, and scooted to the middle. "Come on, come join me, I need you."

"I can't believe you went there. Thank God you did."

"I'd do anything to protect you, Kane. You have to know that by now," Avery said, whipping the bed covers over Kane as he came to settle on Avery's chest.

"I'm lucky to have you. I can't believe all of this. It completely changes everything." Kane finally turned, lifted a little as his gaze slid down Avery's body. Avery responded to Kane's intense stare, growing hard under his sensual inspection. He forced lingering thoughts of Kane's family from his head and focused all his attention on the man he loved. Avery reached over, pushed open the hidden compartment in their headboard, grabbed the bottle, and dropped it beside him on the bed.

"I love you, Avery. I've missed you. I don't want to talk about them right now. All I want to do is make love to you." Avery leaned in and kissed his husband softly on his lips.

* * * *

Kane nestled against Avery's chest and leaned in to kiss the skin right above Avery's ear. When Avery told him about his father's arrest, he'd had so many emotions running through him he hadn't known how to respond. The news came as a total shock. All this time he'd tried to do what he believed was right, but they had used him, and his feelings, against him. He carried enormous guilt over letting them down. Now that everything was out in the open, he could already feel that weight lifting. In its place was the complete love and protection of his little family.

Kane lifted, smiling that love down to Avery. He raised a hand, tangling his fingers into Avery's thick blond hair, keeping his mouth closed and crushing their lips together. Avery held him there, not letting him break from the kiss. Kane's smile broadened as he moved his hand to cup the back of Avery's head, holding him in place. Kane loved to play this game and flicked his tongue out, slowly licking along the seam of Avery's lips. He knew it was Avery's favorite move.

Avery's lips parted, and he deepened the kiss. His body heated and every nerve ending heightened as Avery's body pressed against his. He'd missed this. He missed the closeness he and Avery shared. He attacked Avery's mouth thoroughly. Kane pulled Avery closer, needing the feel of this man's skin against his own. Kane didn't wait, couldn't wait, his hand went straight to Avery's hardened cock, and he wrapped his fingers around his husband's erect length. He began working him from tip to base, taking his time and circling his thumb around Avery's weeping head.

"I missed you," Avery moaned, pulling from the kiss, pushing Kane's head toward his exposed neck. "I'm trying to buck up and be strong, but I don't like being without you. I'm not sure I would have agreed to run had I known you wouldn't be with me in Washington right now."

"I miss you too, so badly. But we'll be there soon, baby. Just a few more months. The kids need to get through the school year," Kane said, breathing into Avery's ear as he kissed and nibbled his earlobe.

"I'm such a wimp without you," Avery said, tugging Kane's hair, forcing him to look directly in his eyes as he said the words.

"No, you're not. You're the strongest man I know. Nothing gets to you." Kane scooted the covers out of the way and kissed his way down Avery's body. He drew Avery's nipple between his lips and nipped the small bud with the tip of his teeth before flicking it with his tongue. Avery moaned and writhed under him as he continued to kiss and lick a path down Avery's stomach then across his hip bone. Kane pressed his nose against Avery's skin and inhaled deeply, he loved the scent that was all Avery.

His mouth watered needing a taste of the man he'd been dying for ever since Avery walked into the gymnasium earlier that night. He gripped Avery's cock, stroking a few times as he lowered and placed a kiss on the mushroom head before sliding his tongue across the small slit, tasting the bead of moisture gathering at the tip. Kane sucked Avery's arousal deep into his mouth, his eyes watered as Avery's hard cock slid across his tongue and the thick head hit the back of his throat. Avery shuddered, arching his hips as his hands slid into Kane's hair.

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