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Up in Arms

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“Thank you for saying yes. I’m sure my family will be very pleased. Handsome, you’re not intruding, you could never intrude...I want you with me. We can keep our dating quiet, no one has to know. It's enough for now that I know you want to be by my side.”

Reed began to trace the outline of his full lips with his tongue. Trevor's lips parted and his tongue came forward to brush against Reed’s, and Reed was quick to respond, sucking and licking. Trevor’s grip grew tighter as the kiss grew hotter. Delicious friction sent Reed’s body soaring, more aroused than ever before in his life. His breathing faltered, his heart echoed in his ears. Everything about Trevor overwhelmed him, completely. Gasping, Reed broke from the heated kiss, his eyes locking with Trevor's. Never before had Reed felt this intensely about anyone. Laying his forehead against Trevor's, Reed closed his eyes, and softly whispered, “Stay...please stay with me tonight, Trevor.”

Trevor’s hips involuntarily rolled forward, but the deep lust Reed saw in Trevor’s eyes slowly changed to logic. Trevor reached forward, lightly capturing Reed's lips for a small kiss before answering.

“I have a fierce battle going on between my heart, my legs, and my head. I've never been the guy for one night stands. I want to stay with a desperation I’ve never experienced before, but, Reed, I'm not that guy. I'm sorry. I'm very, very, very sorry.” Frustration crossed Trevor’s brow, and he lowered his head to Reed's shoulder, hiding his face. “I don't make a very good gay man, do I?”

Tenderly, Reed brought a hand to Trevor's neck, placing his index finger under his chin to lift his face. “I believe you have misunderstood my intentions. Your virtue’s safe with me. I respect your decision. Let’s just be very clear here. I want more from you, much more, than a one night stand. I would never rush you or us, because I know you aren’t that kind of guy. I want to take it slow for you. I've never felt what I'm feeling at this moment, Trevor. If I'm to be completely honest, the reason I want you to stay is...I'm afraid.” Inclining his head, Reed focused on Trevor’s face, pausing briefly, trying to memorize every curve and line. He smiled when he realized there were no freckles on Trevor’s face.

“I'm afraid if you walk out that door, it’ll be the last time I see you.” Bringing their joined hands to his lips, Reed kissed Trevor's knuckles. “I want to give us a chance. You’ve promised me the date tomorrow. We will see what tomorrow night holds for us.”

Chapter Seven

Arriving early to Rylie’s apartment, Reed found the door unlocked and let himself in. Reed wound his way first to Rylie’s room, checking in on the groom, then down the hall to Trevor's room. Rapping his knuckles quietly on the door, Reed saw the door was slightly open. He pushed it a little further with his foot. From this angle, he could see Trevor’s reflection in the bathroom mirror. Trevor wore no clothing, just a towel draped loosely around his waist. Trevor’s sculpted, muscular chest and big broad shoulders all tapered into a narrow waist. He stood fixing his hair. Every movement caused the muscles in his arms and back to ripple and flex. Reed’s own body responded to the sight, hardening slightly with the need he couldn’t quite get rid of since meeting Trevor. Clearing his throat, he took a step back.

“Can I come in, handsome?” he asked, loudly.

“Sure, come in. I’ll be out in a minute,” Trevor said, looking over his shoulder. A little crimson flush showed on his cheeks as he shut the bathroom door.

‘“Did you sleep well?” Reed called, seeing the uniform placed neatly on the bed. A grin spread across his lips, wondering how Trevor would get the uniform into the bathroom to finish dressing.

“We didn’t sleep too much. Rylie was too wired. We ended up playing poker until about five thirty this morning. How did you sleep?” Trevor answered back through the closed door.

After a moment, Reed decided to give Trevor a break. He picked up the hanger, walking to the bathroom door, giving a quick knock. Trevor opened the door a crack and stuck his head out. Relief showed clearly on his face when he saw the uniform.

“I thought you might need this.” Reed pulled the uniform away when Trevor reached for it, and pushed the bathroom door a little further open with his foot. “How about a kiss first, sexy?”

Watching Trevor’s cheeks brighten, Reed decided then he loved to watch the slow creep of color. He found it very sexy, and somewhat fulfilling, to know his words or gaze could provoke such a reaction. He leaned in and received a quick kiss, with just a little swipe of the tongue. Grudgingly, he handed over the uniform. “You're welcome...and I did sleep well, once I finally fell asleep. I had very, very, sweet dreams too.”

Goose bumps sprang up along Trevor’s arms. “I need to dress, hang on.” Trevor finished dressing, but didn’t quite shut the bathroom door all the way this time. When he stepped out into the bedroom, Reed couldn't take his eyes off of him.

“You’re devastatingly handsome, Trevor. I'm going to have to keep my eyes on you tonight," Reed said, his gaze moving slowly down the length of Trevor's body and back up again. "I wouldn't want anyone trying to steal you away from me.”

“I’m sure you have nothing to worry about,” Trevor said dryly.

“I’m not so sure. You’re a striking man, Trevor West.”

Reed gave Trevor a teasing wink and moved to the door, trying to keep his hands to himself. Trevor looked deliciously handsome, and incredibly shy about it all. A very tempting combination.

“We're going to be late if we don't hurry. Let me check on Rylie's progress.”


Though Brody tried hard to get into Reed’s sports car, Rylie kept a firm hold on their friend, shoving him into the passenger side seat of his truck, which gave Trevor enough time to slide in beside Reed.

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