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Up in Arms

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Once Reed pulled from his parking space at the apartment, he linked their hands together, drawing them forward to sweetly kiss his knuckles. Reed chatted steadily throughout the ride to the church, never really requiring Trevor to say too much. He liked how Reed did that for him, just filled the silence, keeping everything comfortable. Trevor sat through too many awkward silences in his life to not truly appreciate Reed’s efforts in keeping the conversation going.

The chapel Rylie and Elise were to marry in was close by. They weren’t in the car for more than ten minutes before pulling into the parking lot. The way Olivia spoke of the place, it sounded tiny and quaint, but this was a large, sprawling mega church. It made sense considering the number of guest attending today. Reed shifted the car into first gear and turned the ignition off before turning to Trevor.

“Handsome, you do know I want to kiss you before I get out of this car, but I don’t want to embarrass you in front of Rylie or Brody. Know I’ll be thinking about my unfortunate luck in having missed out on your kiss, because they arrived so quickly. I did try to lose them, but Rylie ran that last light, ruining my chances. I’ll have to be sure to thank him for that later. I’m looking forward to after the wedding, when I can once again claim your sweet lips.” Looking into his rearview mirror, Reed kept his eyes locked on something. “My brother’s always so serious, I worry about him. I’m going to go now. I’ll see you as I can.” Reed jumped out of the car, and hurried past Brody, only giving a quick nod before wrapping his arm around his brother, hugging him tight and patting him hard on the back.

“Okay, little brother, today's your big day! You holding up okay?”

Trevor watched the exchange from the distance. After a moment, Brody came to stand beside him.

“Shit, I don't think I remember the vows. Did I forget my copy?” Rylie said, worry crossing his brow while he patted his pockets.

“You’ll be's only pre-wedding jitters. Everyone gets anxious, little brother. Come on, let's get this show on the road.” Reed turned his brother toward the church, heading in the direction of the front doors where an elderly pastor waited.

Pastor Hamilton, as Rylie introduced him, seemed like a sweet old man. He stood, holding the heavy oak door open, welcoming them to the church. .

As they lingered behind, trying to give Rylie and Reed a moment of privacy, Brody said, “Yeah, I'm lookin’ sharp. You don't have to say it.” He elbowed Trevor in the side, giving him the grin which always drew people to him.

“You don’t look too bad. Of course, technically we all look exactly the same in this uniform. How's Rylie?”

“Nervous as hell. By the way, how was your night last night? Finally get a little ass?" Brody asked while walking backward, lifting his fist for a quick knuckle bump. Trevor looked up at the pastor. Clearly, he, as well as Rylie and Reed, had heard the crude comment. Brody seemed immune to the stares, but Trevor couldn't ignore them and left Brody hanging with his fist in the air.

“Dude, really? We're at church. That's wrong even for you.” Trevor walked past Brody, picking up the pace to get inside.

“Well, I'll take that as a big ass NO. It might help if you would pull out the fucking corn cob that's stuck up your tight ass, man,” Brody called out after him even louder than before. Trevor ignored him completely. When Brody got on a roll, nothing stopped him.

Reed stood in the door, holding it open. The Pastor stood just inside with Rylie. Trevor couldn’t quite make eye contact with Reed when he walked inside. Reed looked angry and all that anger was centered on his loud mouthed friend following behind him.

In unison, Trevor, Brody, and Rylie’s phones rang with a message coming through. It was an official alert. It didn’t matter how their phones were silenced, when this sender sent a message a loud beep rang through the room. Rylie turned quickly, his eyes going wide, before Trevor could get his phone from his pocket.

“Don’t worry, they aren’t calling us in. We’re on standby.” Trevor read from his phone, and then looked up to check the bridegroom. Momentary relief showed on Rylie’s face. Reed stood beside his brother, staring at Trevor for a long moment as the weight of the situation settled in on all of them.

“They do this all the time, Rylie, and never call us in,” Trevor said, trying to keep the concern from his voice.

“Right... You’re right,” Rylie said, giving a solid nod after as if to confirm his words.

“Then let’s go get you married, brother,” Reed said, concern still etched on his face, but he clamped Rylie on the shoulder. No more words were necessary as the brothers turned and followed the Pastor into his office.

Chapter Eight

The wedding ceremony went perfectly. Reed stood by Rylie’s side, Trevor directly beside him. Reed found reasons all throughout the ceremony to turn Trevor’s way, always giving a brief smile or wink. When the wedding ended and it became Trevor’s time to walk his bridesmaid down the center aisle, Reed casually placed a hand in the small of his lower back. Reed turned the touch into a caress, dipping low until his fingertips ran across Trevor’s ass. His body hardened under the touch and his face heated, letting him know his cheeks were bright red as he met his bridesmaid and walked her down the aisle.

A formal dinner reception followed at the hotel where Trevor first met Reed. The guests seemed happy, relaxed, and perhaps a little relieved to be done with the whole thing. Reed stayed close to Rylie the entire afternoon and most of the evening, sitting at the family table along with all of their countless family members. The security around Reed’s mom and dad were incredibly tight. If the United Nations set up guard on the Kensingtons, something must be going on in the world, but Trevor hadn’t been privileged to the information. One thing for sure, nothing going on in the outside world dampened the atmosphere of this evening.

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