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“He’s a good guy.” Tristan slid the gear in first and turned off the car.

“I’m not sure I’m a threesome kind of guy,” Dylan said quietly into the dark.

“It can be fun, I promise. But we’ll go slow. Remember, no is the safe word.”

“You’re making fun of me,” Dylan said, looking over at Tristan as he opened his door.

“Only a little, come on.” Tristan winked before opening the door. He watched Julian walk through the garage and into the back of the house. Clearly he’d made this walk before.

“Get me all excited and then keep me waiting,” Julian called out. He stood casually in the doorway, the kitchen light shining down on him almost as if it had been put there to accentuate his good looks. And he was everything Dylan had thought he would be. The guy was extraordinarily attractive. A clean, polished sort of man that looked like he walked off the cover of a Dolce and Gabbana advertisement. “He’s pretty sexy in the suburban hot soccer dad kind of way.” Julian winked.

“Julian meet Dylan. Dylan, Julian.” Tristan introduced them, sliding past Julian. “Give him a break. He’s new to all of this.”

“A virgin, how sweet and yummy.” Julian leered at Dylan, touching his arm, feeling the muscle underneath. The guy started to slide his hand along Dylan’s arm to his chest.

“I’m betting he’s probably gonna give it more than one try after tonight,” Julian purred, squeezing Dylan’s ass as he passed by. Funny, he hadn’t ever realized he didn’t like to be randomly touched and moved out from the hold.

Again, the thoughts resurfaced that three was probably too many for him. He didn’t see this turning out well at all. Forcing his mind to change focus, he decided he should consider tonight a rite of passage. Something he needed to experience to know for sure, so he followed Tristan through the house, walking a little faster to keep from being molested by Julian who trailed behind him.

Tristan turned on lamps as he went straight to the wet bar.

“We’ll just have to wait and see. He’s got rules. Here,” Tristan said, pouring Dylan a double shot of Jäger.

“Liquid courage. I remember those days,” Julian chuckled. The guy knew his way around enough to open the back windows. “I’ll have a shot.”

Tristan poured Julian one and refilled Dylan’s. “Remember, you can stop at any time.”

“But why would he?” Julian sing-songed, pulling his lightweight sweater over his head, tossing it aside. He wasn’t bulked up like Tristan, but every muscle in his chest was defined, so was his stomach. Dylan drank the next shot and looked between Julian and Tristan. They were both extraordinary male specimens, and it occurred to him that he was definitely the odd man out in this room. He set down the shot glass for another.

“Is it a requirement to look like you guys to live on Laguna Beach?” Dylan asked, downing the next shot.

“I’m from the Valley, hon.” Like that explained anything to Dylan. Julian kept shedding his clothes, making this his own little strip show right there in the middle of Tristan’s living room.

“I probably need another one.” Dylan kept his eyes on Julian, waiting for the liquor to kick in. With enough alcohol and as good-looking as the guy was, Dylan began to see how this evening might possibly play out all right.

“Are you sure?” Tristan asked. Some of the shots were doubles and they hadn’t eaten much dinner, but fuck, he was still so nervous.

“Yeah,” Dylan said, handing Tristan the glass. He watched as the slacks came off, exposing a half aroused but well-hung cock.

“Will I do?” Julian asked Dylan, stepping closer. Tristan handed him the glass, and he drank the shot down in one gulp. Julian came forward and removed the glass from his hand, discarding it on the bar. He never took his eyes from Dylan.

Finally, he could feel the effects of the alcohol beginning to settle in.

“Let me guess. I’m pretty good at this. You have a wife, a couple of kids, and you’ve lived in the South your whole closet-filled life,” Julian stated matter-of-factly, tugging Dylan’s shirttail from his jeans and lifting the material over his head.

“Did you tell him that?” Dylan turned to Tristan. He thought his words might have been slightly slurred.

“Not even your name before I introduced you in the garage.” Tristan grinned, lifting a hand to give his oath. He had a cocktail glass in his hand, drinking something clear with limes. Dylan reached out and took the glass from him, taking a large gulp. It was gin. He handed the glass back to Tristan as he felt his belt buckle being loosened.

“I’ve just seen it all. It comes with the job,” Julian said, fumbling with his blue jeans’ button and zipper. “He doesn’t know how hot he is, does he?” Julian asked, looking over his shoulder at Tristan.

“No idea,” Tristan smirked, drinking from the refresher he’d made.

“What’s your job?” Dylan asked, slightly confused. The welcomed numbness made his thoughts a little harder to assimilate.

“Model, escort, you name it,” Julian said and slid his hands inside Dylan’s pants. His palms were cold and any nerve he built faded as he sucked in his breath.

“Slow it down, J,” Tristan said, stepping closer to Dylan. “He needs time. Come sit down. Take it slow with him.”

“I’ve only got a couple of hours. I’m meeting someone,” Julian quietly replied.

“That’s okay,” Tristan assured.

“Are you paying him to be here?” Dylan asked. The alcohol had officially gone to his head, slowing his thoughts. He required Tristan to guide him the few steps to the living room. That ocean view became the backdrop as he sat down in the center of the sofa with Tristan beside him.

“No, it’s more of an understanding kind of deal.” Julian chuckled and sat down on the other side of him.

“You still have your clothes on.” Dylan nodded toward Tristan.

“They’ll be off soon enough. Let Julian kiss you.” Tristan’s voice was deep and smooth as he turned toward him. Dylan moved his head and Tristan’s lips were so close he reached out for a kiss. He knew right then the alcohol had done what it always did and allowed him to override his inhibitions and run free. He might actually be able to pull this off.

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