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Tristan kissed him, keeping the moment light. “Can you kiss Julian now?” Tristan whispered against his lips. All he had to do was turn his head and Julian was there. Dylan had the initial shock of new lips on his. The kiss was awkward, but soft and firm all at the same time. Julian persisted, deepening the kiss quickly. Too quickly. When Julian shoved his skilled tongue down Dylan’s throat, the image of Tristan, sitting beside him, watching him with this other guy flooded his brain and everything changed.

Tristan took a long drink of the gin, placing the glass on the coffee table in front of him. He watched with interest as Julian’s usually clever moves remained unnoticed by Dylan. He’d thought the two of them would have been about the hottest thing he’d ever seen, but instead, he didn’t like this idea at all, hated anyone else putting the moves on Dylan but him. He slid his hands down Dylan’s shoulders then pressed his chest against the heat of Dylan’s broad back and kissed his neck.

The kiss between Julian and Dylan couldn’t have lasted more than a minute. He could tell the alcohol was loosening Dylan up, but when Dylan tore free and looked over at him, his whole entire world stopped. He wanted to be the only one kissing Dylan’s lips and touching his body. Was he jealous of Julian? No, not him. He wasn’t the jealous type or at least he’d never been before. He lifted a hand, brushed his palm down the side of Dylan’s face and leaned in, replacing Julian’s lips with his own. He opened immediately, kissing Dylan with all the possession he’d just experienced. Dylan turned in his arms, wrapped himself around Tristan, and he did the same. This sexy man began to gently make love to Tristan’s mouth with lips, tongue, and teeth.

He had no idea how long they stayed wrapped around each other or how long the kiss lasted, he just knew every part of him wanted every part of Dylan. It wasn’t until Dylan jerked and his body pitched forward that he was torn from the trance. Tristan looked down to see Julian swallowing Dylan whole. Dylan had reacted quickly, apparently wanting nothing to do with the act.

Dylan had to be more than buzzed. Four doubles of Jäger slammed back-to-back had to have him good and drunk about now. Dylan kept hold of Tristan. His upper body still wrapped around him as he tried to buck Julian away. Julian was just doing what he did best and didn’t seem to understand or pick up on the fact he wasn’t wanted until Dylan’s knee connected with his jaw in an attempt to get away.

“Fuck, man, I was just trying to make you feel good,” Julian mumbled, rubbing his jaw.

“Sorry,” Dylan apologized. He was back on Tristan, tugging his shirt over his head as he straddled Tristan’s lap. Dylan’s mouth descended on his, kissing him again. It took several seconds for Tristan to break free, only to have Dylan latch on to his neck, sucking hard. That was most definitely going to leave a mark.

“Babe, what about J? Do you want him here?” Tristan asked, stroking Dylan’s hair.

“I can’t,” Dylan whispered against his skin. “Only you.”

“We’ll do whatever you want. Tonight’s about you.” That earned him another plunge of Dylan’s tongue in his mouth as Dylan ground his dick roughly against his belly. Tristan smiled into the kiss as he placed his hands on Dylan, stopping the roll of his hips. He didn’t want to take chances with all the grinding going on, just in case he could manage an orgasm under the alcohol haze. He wanted to be the one to coax the orgasm from Dylan’s body.

“Thanks for coming over, but I don’t think this is gonna happen tonight, J,” Tristan said, drawing Dylan back to his neck. He had to concentrate on keeping his brain functioning as Dylan assaulted his ear.

“Like, you want me to leave?” Julian asked, clearly confused.

“Yes, I’m sorry. I was wrong about what I thought he needed. Please lower the garage door on your way out. I’ll call you tomorrow,” Tristan managed before Dylan was back to kissing him like his life depended on their intimacy. Julian didn’t say anything as he gathered his clothing and left. He knew the guy had already made plans for later anyway, so he didn’t feel too bad for sending him away. Several seconds passed after he heard the garage door close, and his body was headed to the point of no return with the way Dylan rubbed against him.

“The bedroom. I want you in my bed.”

“Are you mad?” Dylan whispered, leaning back enough to look into Tristan’s eyes. The passion fled, and he witnessed the insecurity slipping back in.

“No, not at all. Honestly, I didn’t like him touching you. It made me feel things I’m not used to feeling,” Tristan confessed, maybe his own insecurity forced the quiet words out.

“It didn’t feel right. We didn’t fit,” Dylan replied, leaning back in to kiss his lips again.

“We fit,” Tristan admitted in a moment of sincerity. He leaned forward and lightly kissed Dylan’s lips. “You and I fit. I want you tonight, and I want you to trust me.”

The honesty of this moment didn’t escape him, and he wasn’t sure he’d ever before in his life experienced an intimacy as endearing and sweet. He lifted his palms to Dylan’s face and they stared at one another. Several long seconds passed between them before Dylan nodded.

“Good. I want you in me like last night, and hell, I want to bury myself in you, too,” Tristan groaned, running his hands up then down Dylan’s waist. He wanted the two of them in his bedroom, but loved having this naked man pressed against him. “You know this weekend isn’t going to be enough. We fit too well together.”

Tristan knew it was safe to say those words. While Dylan should technically be too drunk to even notice, it caused him to put some distance between them. Tristan wasn’t going to let that happen. He closed his arms tightly around him again, drawing him back to the kiss. Dylan opened for him, quickly turning the kiss into a frenzy of promised pleasure and sizzling need with both teeth and tongues clashing. He couldn’t lift Dylan off him, so he turned and positioned them across the sofa.

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