Texas Pride - Page 100


It looked like there were two agreements Austin made for the night. One, no public touching, and two, being the designated driver. Austin stood back, busying himself in the living room as Kitt downed a beer in a couple of deep gulps while standing in the opened door of the refrigerator. The outward calm of dressing must have been a façade, Kitt was obviously uncomfortable.

When Kitt realized Austin planned to drive, he grabbed two more beers for the road. Austin took it as some sort of encouragement that his sexy boyfriend needed to be drunk to be seen with him in public. Well, maybe it wasn’t that, but the thought did cross Austin’s mind, and he chuckled. If Kitt needed a good buzz, it was fine. Austin didn’t say a word, he was just relieved he kept the refrigerator stocked with the required Bud Light for times just like this.

Austin had made plans for this outing a couple of days ago, but hadn’t had the nerve to suggest it until tonight. Even when he’d brought it up, his heart thumped in his chest, and he had his face covered in shaving cream to hide any reaction that might show. He knew from experience, the more they shied away from this, the more people would speculate. They needed to be out as the couple Austin told the world they were.

The no touching thing would be hard. They needed to act like a couple. There was a fine line there, but Austin needed to walk it tonight, and so did Kitt. If Kitt needed to get tipsy to help make it happen, then Austin would DD it tonight, and maybe get in a peck or two in front of the others, claiming this man as his. Because without a doubt, Austin knew the reporters and photographers were still incognito in this town. This night out would be front page tabloid news tomorrow morning.

“Babe, what constitutes as a PDA?” Austin asked driving down the dirt road leading to the main highway into town. He turned on the local country classic radio station, the one Kitt liked the most. Kitt drank the beer down in one gulp before answering.

“No touchin’, no kissin’. Stay an appropriate amount of space from me.” Kitt answered clearly and efficiently, reaching over to search the stations. The move confirmed how nervous he was as he went through station after station, not really listening to the music, just pushing buttons. After a minute more of eternal scan, Austin stopped him by entwining their fingers together and pushing the radio button back to Kitt’s favorite station with his index finger.

“If I can’t touch you all night, at least let me hold your hand now.” Austin brought Kitt’s knuckles up to his lips and placed a soft kiss on the back of his hand. “I love you. It’s gonna be alright. I promise.”

“There’s no way you know that.” Kitt turned to look out the window into the night as they drove along the darkened highway. Austin could see a small smile on Kitt’s face through the reflection in the dark window. The smile didn’t match the statement, and Austin hoped it was a possible joke.

“I do because no matter what happens tonight, I’m bringin’ you home, layin’ with you in my bed, makin’ love to you and wakin’ up in the morning with you in my arms. So no matter what happens, it’s all gonna be all right in the end.”

Kitt didn’t say another word. The smile stuck, so did the quiet, but he was calmer even as Austin pulled into a front parking space. “You ready?”

“As I’ll ever be.” Kitt got out and looked around the parking lot. Austin came to the front of the truck and waited, watching Kitt take the full minute looking at the other vehicles parked around them. Finally, perhaps a little reluctantly, Kitt came to stand in front of Austin.

“After you, babe.”

“No name callin’,” Kitt said, immediately amending the rules as he stepped past Austin to walk straight inside. As Kitt hit the front door, slowly every head in the place turned his way. The jukebox played, but other than that the noise in the room slowly died off as Austin came in the front door to stand directly behind Kitt. He gave Kitt no PDA, but he stood as close to him as he could without touching, and stared back at everyone. He pointed at a table and touched Kitt on the back.

“How about that booth in the corner?” It broke the silence, but not the focus. People openly stared. Austin vaguely remembered some of the faces they passed from back in the day, but Kitt had to know them all. Yet, no one acknowledged him. It was like they didn’t see him while staring directly at him. Austin on the other hand was treated like the celebrity he was trying not to be. Every girl in the place was beside herself watching him walk through the restaurant. Much to their clear vocal regret, Kitt took the side of the booth facing them and Austin sat with his back to the room.

“Well, that wasn’t so bad.” Austin grabbed a menu from behind the napkin dispenser.

“Whatever. I think that was about the most awkward thing I’ve ever done in my life.” Kitt stared at Austin as if he’d grown another head as they walked in.

“You haven’t been in my shoes the last ten years, that felt almost normal,” Austin said, reading the menu. He looked up and saw Kitt still staring at him and reached over to hand him a menu. Kitt took it, but laid it down, not looking at it. A perky little waitress came over to the table, handing Kitt a beer with two waters.

“Hey, Kitt. I talked to Kylie. She says she’s back at school now and everything’s calmed down. I’m glad all that died down. It was crazy around here, but the tips were great! What can I get you to drink, Mr. Grainger?”

Tags: Kindle Alexander Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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