Texas Pride - Page 101

Austin wanted to jump up and hug this waitress. Whoever she was to Kylie, Austin was forever in her debt for approaching the table like a normal, reasonable human being.

“Call me Austin, and I’ll have Bud Light, please,” Austin said, looking her directly in the eyes. He gave the grin he’d been taught to give. It didn’t matter the grin felt awkward on his face. He’d been told the ladies loved it, and he loved this waitress, so she got the grin.

To her credit, she did stare at him for a long minute, smacking her gum, before she began to fan herself. “Whew, you sure are good lookin’. Do you know what you want for dinner yet?”

Austin looked over at Kitt, but the waitress answered for him.

“He always gets the t-bone, medium, baked potato, no sour cream, green beans. Right, Kitt?”

Kitt gave a nod, and Austin smiled bigger.

“I’ll have the same, but add his sour cream to mine. I love the stuff.” Austin dropped the menu back behind the napkin dispenser, grinning at Kitt.

“Alright then, I’ll be back with your Bud Light in a bit.”

“Bring me another.” Kitt lifted his beer. She raised her eyebrows but stayed quiet, nodding once before she left them alone.

“The décor hasn’t changed much over the last fifteen years. Still very nineteen-seventies up in here. You come here a lot?” Austin asked.

“I used to. Before you moved in.” Kitt’s eyes left Austin’s, and he scanned the room. Austin had no idea what Kitt was seeing, but his expression grew harder, and Austin didn’t like it at all.

“Babe, pay attention to me, no one else. I’m your date,” Austin said, pulling Kitt’s attention back to him.

“No ‘babe’ tonight, Austin.” Kitt immediately responded, looking directly at Austin.

“I’m sorry, but stay focused on me. Ignore everything else, okay?” Austin nodded his head trying to get Kitt’s agreement. “Trust me, if you get comfortable with this, so will they. They’re pickin’ up what you’re puttin’ out there, and it’s tension and judgment. Let it go. We’re a couple. Couples eat together.”

Austin worried about Kitt. He didn’t let him too far from his sight, and anytime anything was brought up about them, Austin dodged it and moved Kitt away from the question. He also kept Kitt too busy at night to watch the news or surf the net. He didn’t want Kitt stumbling across all the gossip and accusations being flung around about him. It was clear the world thought Kitt had cheated on Austin with Fisker. It was absurd, but the only way the reporter had to spin the story without looking like a sleazebag for exposing Kitt.

It concerned Austin so much, he’d even reached out to Sean to make sure he was good. That had been one of the most interesting conversations he’d ever had. Austin went into the conversation jealous and testy, but Fisker was loving all the attention of his new fame. Fisker was fine being considered the man Austin’s lover cheated with, and his social life couldn’t have been any better.

What bothered Austin the most was Kitt’s staff. A little more than half ended up walking out. It took a couple of days, but six out of ten left the farm. Kitt also got a few cancellations on scheduled insemination gigs he’d had set up in the area, and two of the largest farms pulled their hay baling from Kitt. No matter how Austin tried, he couldn’t shield Kitt from those kinds of things, but Mike worked his magic and got Kitt focused on Austin’s farm.

They were going to become a shorthorn breeding farm. It would definitively require Kitt start an artificial insemination program through the new cows and heifers arriving. Mike also moved his range cattle over with Kitt’s, combining them, helping to keep the integrity of the new breed stock intact. Every bit of this was done to prevent Kitt from being able to take a minute to breathe and realize everything he’d lost because of Austin.

The beer was put in front of him, and Austin smiled a thank you. Kitt drank his first one down, and a replacement was put in his hand.

“I’ve been thinkin’ about something for a few days now. Actually, for a couple of months, but really hard the last few days. I think we should combine the farms. Make it one large one again. Run them together. Heck, we’re already doin’ so much of that now,” Austin said, and then took a long drink of his beer, watching for Kitt’s reaction. The reservation he knew was coming hit Kitt’s brow, and Austin hurried on with his plan.

“We already run the horses together. The track’s across both our properties. The range cattle are mixed together on your back property. The shorthorns are gonna be partially yours for the insemination work you’re doin’. I just think it makes sense,” Austin said trying again. “We could remove the fence I put down the middle, open that pond back up. Mike could manage the cattle, he’s good at that, and Jose could run the horses. They could share duties on crops, or whatever you think.” Austin stopped because he rambled and Kitt just sat there quietly for a full minute.

“I don’t know. I never thought about it before.”

What did that answer mean? And the reservation still lingered. Austin had been watching it all week, and for that matter, most of their relationship.

“It makes sense,” Austin said into Kitt’s silence. Kitt’s full focus was on Austin.

“We’ve only been together eight or nine months,” Kitt whispered, leaning in across the table. “Don’t you think that’s a little soon to be movin’ everything together like that?”

“We’ve been together almost every single day out of eight months, two weeks, and four days, Kitt. That makes us more than just together for a little less than a year.” Austin said it, and Kitt stayed quiet because he didn’t need to say what was clearly on his face.

“Ba…. Kitt, I’m here to stay. Haven’t I proved it yet? I love it here with you,” Austin said quietly, not wanting to be overheard. He leaned across the table toward Kitt who was already leaning on his elbows staring at Austin. The reservation was gone, his face just intense now. It gave no clue what was going on in that head of his.

Tags: Kindle Alexander Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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