Texas Pride - Page 102

“They still want you for movies. Nothing’s changed since you came out. You thought it would, but it hasn’t,” Kitt said in almost a whisper. Austin could see he wasn’t quite as effective as he thought at keeping information from Kitt. A small amount of hurt snuck into Kitt’s eyes, and that landed squarely in Austin heart. He’d caused everything about Kitt’s world to be dramatically turned upside down, changed forever. Austin could tell by the stares Kitt got tonight that things had also changed in how this community saw Kitt. But for Austin, he was still a coveted commodity, maybe even hotter than before. The movie deals were rolling in at least one a day.

“Maybe someday I might do another movie if we agree it’s right for us. You won’t let me reach across this table and take your hand, but I want to so badly…I would love to have you on set with me on some tropical island for six weeks, just me and you. The international community can be much freer with their bodies than we are here in the States. You’d be so hot on a nude beach. I can just see it in my mind…” Austin took a second to look off, thinking about his nude Kitt walking on a private beach, playing with him in the crystal blue ocean. They’d make love as the water lapped over them. The grin spread across his lips as he turned back, momentarily forgetting they both weren’t sharing the same thought, and he gave a laugh.

“And, I can see that you don’t understand its greatness. For right now and the foreseeable future, I’m right here with you, Kitt, until we decide something different. And when I’m gone away on business, I’m still right here with you for as long as you want me. This is where I want to be. You’re where I want to be. Our focus needs to be on our farms. Combinin’ them makes sense. I can give you controllin’ interest if it makes you feel more comfortable. But it’ll make us stronger. I want us to be a breedin’ farm. You can get us there, Kitt.”

“Here’s your dinner, and can I say that everyone’s just tryin’ to hold off before comin’ over here and askin’ for your autograph, Mr. Grainger. You’re quite the buzz in here,” the waitress said, setting each plate in front of them. “The steak sauce is by the napkins up there. Is there anything else I can get you? How about a couple more beers?”

Kitt gave a nod to her question. Austin shook his head no.

“Alright then, Kitt, you’re weird tonight. Are you sure you want another beer?” She looked confused and directly at Kitt.

“Yeah, he’s drivin’ tonight,” Kitt said, absently looking up at her.

“I think it’s for courage,” Austin added.

“What? You don’t need courage, Kitt, we love you here. You’ve been through a lot, but we’re like your family here, and we respect you. I know I do! I’ll get you another beer, but promise me you two will stick around and let everyone get Austin’s autograph and get reacquainted with him again.” She didn’t wait for an answer, but turned on her heels, done with the conversation.

“Not shy is she?” Austin asked

“Not at all. She’s been my sister’s best friend since birth. If Kylie told anyone that she found us, it’d be her.” Kitt reached for the steak sauce.

“Ah, maybe that’s why she’s so comfortable with us. Well that’s good. We need people on your side, Kitt. Now, say ‘yes’ to me before you put that bite in your mouth.” Austin waited and watched Kitt with his fork mid-way to his mouth. It lowered, but rose again and he ate the bite, nodding his head.

“We can try it. See how it works. Open up parts of that fence dividin’ us. It would make it easier to run the cattle in the back pasture.” Kitt cut another bite. Five beers seemed to make him more amicable, and the sixth just plain made him relax. Austin needed to remember that in the future. He’d never seen Kitt drink this much of anything, and it looked like Kitt was a happy tipsy man. Maybe if Austin kept the beer coming they could go parking after they left. Have some truck bed sex on the way home.

Austin smiled at the thought and realized Kitt was still talking. He forced his mind back trying to catch what he missed. “Do you agree?”

“Ask me again.” Austin looked up at Kitt.

“If this doesn’t work for either of us there’s no harm, no foul, and it goes back to normal.”

“Okay, if you’ll agree that the surveillance fencing goes around the entire property. It’ll make it easier for my team to look over everything.” Austin began cutting his steak.

“Is that what this is all about? You want to keep a better eye on things?” Kitt stopped eating.

“No, not at all! It’s easier to have the farms run as one. We’re too invested in each other, but it would make it safer for everyone if the fence was around the whole place. It would catch any breeches.” Austin spoke with his mouth full.

“Here, Kitt. Is there anything else I can get you?” The waitress appeared with another beer for Kitt.

“No, we’re fine,” Austin said. Kitt seemed more relaxed and was back to just eating with Austin like they had done almost every night for months and months. “I have the papers drawn up at home. You can read and sign them, or I’ll tell you what’s in them and you can sign them.”

“Pretty sure of yourself.” Kitt swallowed down a gulp of the beer. There was humor in his tone, and his eyes stayed on Austin.

“No, that’s one thing I’m not when I’m dealing with you, Mr. Kelly, but I was hopeful. I’ve had these papers for a week trying to man up and find the right time to ask.”

“Now I see why you’re getting me drunk.” Kitt pushed the plate in front of him aside, but kept the beer in his hand. He sat back in the booth, his eyes stayed on Austin, and the grin on his face had Austin growing hard just watching him.

Tags: Kindle Alexander Erotic
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