Quadruple Duty: All or Nothing - Page 107

To us, that made him family.

“We’re gathered here today,” he said in a booming voice, “in this hallowed place, before family and friends… to join five lives as one.”

The robes he wore barely made it around his massive body. They left his forearms exposed; two big ham-hocks that were crawling in tribal tattoos.

“In every culture, marriage is sacred. It’s a holy bond. A connection of the souls. It doesn’t so much matter what you believe, or in which higher beings you place your faith. Marriage is generally universal. It transcends cultures, customs, and tradition.”

Nanise paused dramatically, raising his palms in the air. At the same time he looked down at me, and shot me a smile and a wink.

“These men are my friends,” he went on. “My brothers in arms. They’re my blood, my very life. In my eyes, they are already joined by the unbreakable bonds of war. The idea that they’ve accepted a common soulmate comes as no big shock to me. They are eternally linked, through friendship and brotherhood… and now, through their hearts as well.”

I stood there trembling before the altar. Not out of nervousness, but because I was so taken aback by his powerful words. Nanise went on and on, talking of life and love and ties that bind. Of experiences and friendship and respect. Of loyalty and selflessness and ultimate allegiance.

It was all so eloquent, so enchantingly beautiful. Every word drew me deeper into the ceremony. Everything he said felt tailored to our own unique situation, echoing in ways I could never fully express, my exact feelings.

In the end he had us stand in a circle, placing our right hands atop each other. Mine was in the middle, between them all, as Nanise drew out a long flowing ribbon of red and blue.

Abruptly he began speaking in his own tongue, reciting some long but ancient Samoan blessing. With words that sounded more beautiful than anything I’d ever heard, he delicately wrapped the silken ribbon around our wrists. He took his time, weaving it over and under, above and beneath in a great circle, until we were all bound together.

“E leai ni tapulaa,” he announced, when he was finished. Nanise smiled gently before translating. “There are no limits.”

I was hopelessly spellbound, but suddenly there was clapping. Crying. Murmurs of excitement from the people behind us, and then a resounding cry went up — so happy and cheerful it pierced my soul.

Somewhere in the middle of it all a ring was slipped on my finger. I glanced down at the thin but beautiful wedding band, still struggling to breathe. It was set with four small but perfect diamonds, this time side by side.

The next thing I knew I was kissing them one by one, and another cheer went up from the crowd. Kissing them as my beloved husbands.

Kissing them as their loving wife.



”Well?” I demanded huskily. “Are any of you ready?”

The bridal suite filled with the sounds of rapid undress — a sweet song I’d heard numerous times before. There was the jangle of belt buckles. The heavy clunk of shoes being pulled off and discarded.

I was already bent over the bed, the skirt of my wedding dress hiked all the way up to my waist. I waved my ass back and forth tantalizingly. Delivering my most smoldering hot look as I glanced back over my shoulder.

“Isn’t someone going to help consummate our wedding night?”

I laughed to myself, watching as the guys raced to strip down. Dakota was fumbling desperately with the buttons on his vest. Kyle cursed mightily as his slacks got caught around his ankles…

I giggled as he nearly fell over.

“Oh, you’re going to get it,” he swore.

“Am I?” I teased.

I wriggled my ass in the air some more. I was wearing the most fantastic white-lace bridal panties, with the word “Mrs.” embroidered right where they tapered down into a sleek, silky thong.

A black sock whizzed past my head. Someone murmured the words “fuck it,” followed by the sound of a dozen plastic buttons being popped off at once.

I sighed happily. Our suite was absolutely perfect; the tremendous paneled chamber complete with elaborate fireplace could only have been a lord’s master bedroom. Two large, king-sized mattresses had been brought in and laid side by side. They were made up with cool, silken sheets and plush, luxurious linens.

A hand closed over one warm globe of my ass, and I felt my cute little panties being pulled to the side. I recognized the touch immediately: Ryan’s. Just the idea of what was about to happen made my whole body shudder.

Oh God, this is going to be good…

Tags: Krista Wolf Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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