Quadruple Duty: All or Nothing - Page 108

I stopped swaying as Ryan positioned himself behind me. I could feel the warmth of his thighs, pressing against the backs of mine. The swell of his hot manhood, growing stiff and hard as he wedged it between us.

“You know we’re gonna wrinkle this dress if you don’t take it off, right?”

I smirked back at him over my shoulder. “Oh well.”

“Correction,” Dakota grunted. “We’re gonna destroy that dress if you don’t take it off.”

He dropped the last piece of his clothing to the floor, looking like the statue of some Greek god in the warm, flickering light. My eyes couldn’t help but loiter along every line of his magnificent body. I felt myself grow wetter just looking at him.

“Whatever happens, happens,” I shrugged.

I’d already decided beforehand not to fret about the dress. It would be a lot more fun fucking in it than stowing it away in some vacuum-sealed box I’d probably never open again.

Besides, being ravished in her wedding dress was every bride’s God-given right. And there was no way the dress was surviving even one of my Army Ranger husbands. Much less four of them at once…

“Don’t say we didn’t warn you,” Jason smiled, somewhere off to my right. “And don’t say…”


Whatever else he was about to say would be forever lost to time. That’s because

my mind and body were both too consumed by something else: the exquisite feeling of Ryan’s granite-like cock, sliding its way deep into my warm, dripping pussy.

Holy. Shit.

“You’re my wife now,” he growled, leaning over my back. His breath was hot in my ear, but it was the way he said the actual word that gave me the tingles.


“And I’m your husband…”


The word seemed so foreign. So alien. And yet, it was such an awesome word. An amazing word.

“My… husband…”

I tasted the two little syllables in my mouth. They were sweet and wonderful. Even so, it still hadn’t hit me. The concept still felt too far away to actually grasp.

My hair spilled forward as I buried my face in the comforter, concentrating on the feeling of being so wonderfully, wickedly full. Ryan’s hands remained clamped on either side of my ass, guiding me forward and back along the entire length of his cock. His thrusts were strong and confident, with an extra shove at the end of each one that tickled a special spot, way up in my tummy.

I loved the way he fucked me. I always felt so impaled by him.


A gentle hand guided my chin upward. I was staring into the devilishly handsome face of Kyle. He leaned in and our mouths met, his lips rolling hotly against mine as our tongues swirled and played. It was a slow kiss. One full of depth, and passion, and feeling. I felt myself go lightheaded with need and want, with lust and desire. Just as I reached for the back of his head, to pull his mouth even harder against mine, he leaned back and smiled.

“You know you’re stuck with us forever now, right?”

Another swarm of butterflies took off in my stomach. Damn, I loved him so much.

“A girl… could have… worse… problems…” I grunted breathlessly, between thrusts. Kyle laughed at my dilemma. It was never easy, timing things while getting screwed from behind. Words came out as fragments. Kisses ended abruptly with bumped teeth.

But we’d been doing it for years now, the four of us.

And we were getting good at it.

“Get over here,” I whispered.

Tags: Krista Wolf Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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