DIMA (Filthy Rich Alphas) - Page 55


My stomach twisted.

Why is that bothering me?

Dimitri spoke, “It took Leo many years to learn how to write English.”

Continuing to lean forward, I didn’t respond. Something kept bothering me, but I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why the signature incited a haunting effect. I couldn’t look away.

“What's wrong?”

I stood and scanned the space. “The name on the painting freaks me out for some reason.”

“The signature?”

“Yes.” I hugged myself and turned away. “It’s probably because I’m so anxious after Romeo’s memorial.”

“Was that the first time you’ve seen a dead body?”

“Yes, when my grandfather passed, my mother didn’t let me go to the funeral. She thought I was too young.” I move away. “Then, my grandmother passed the year I won the Pulitzer. My family barred me from that funeral.”


“They didn’t appreciate me writing an award winning article on how some of their corrupt besties stole from New York City residents.”

“So, you’ve always been a trouble maker?”

“One would say so.” I walked over to another painting and took in the pretty features of Ju. In this image, she was lowered on bended knee and deep in prayer. Several angels hovered over her with expanded wings, representing different races.

“Hmmm.” Dimitri’s voice sounded off. “You’re right.”

I looked over my shoulder. “I’m right about what?”

He stared at the painting and looking at the signature. “The signature gives me an odd feeling too.”


“Yes.” He went over to Leo’s desk, pulled out a drawer, and took out a pen.

I went over to him. He grabbed a notepad on top of a leather bound bible. Sadness coated Dimitri’s next words. “Please, God. Let me be wrong.”

Wrong about what?

Dima wrote 037. The large numbers took up the whole page. “I think we assumed Chanel was facing in one direction, when she was in the other.”

“What do you mean?”

“Chanel wasn’t writing numbers.” Dima turned the notebook upside down.

I read the words.


My fingers shook.

Dimitri took his gun out of the holster and hurried over to the door. “I have to get you to Victor. Then, I’ll deal with Leo.”

No fool, I rushed and stayed by his side. “H-how will you deal with Leo?”

Dimitri led me back to the door. “Leo takes a good thirty minutes to make tea. It’s a whole. . .”

Dima paused with his gun in front of him. “Fuck.”

I trembled. “What?”

“The tea. That’s how he’s been getting everyone to pass out. Johnny would have closed down the bakery to have tea with Leo. Romeo would have paused his sex session, if Leo showed up to talk to him and have tea.”

“And they would have done so without their men due to Leo’s rule?”

Dimitri nodded. “Chanel had tea with him the day before. If he asked her to meet a few blocks from Marcelo’s club, she would have did so with no suspicions and would have had no problem going by herself. He was like a father to us.”

I had my hands in fists and out in front of me like I was going to punch someone.

With his free hand, Dima touched the doorknob but didn’t open it. “Leo’s been trying to make me tea for the past month and a half. I was. . .”

Supposed to be the first person he killed.

He stared at the door, unable to move.

My voice was a weak whisper. “Dimitri?”


The Son of Man



gripped the knob hard.

Leo is the killer.

My head shattered into pieces. I couldn’t compute. No logic existed in this. My heart boomed in my ears.

He. . .killed Romeo. . .Chanel. . .Johnny. . .

After my uncles, Leo had been a second father to me.

But. . .we’re family.

I’d given Leo and the Diamond Syndicate my life due to the concept of us being family. Never did Romeo, Chanel, Lei, or I question our parents’ legacy. We took over the reins and ruled with their lessons in mind.

And Leo killed us for it?

Rose captured my attention by placing her hand on my back. “Are you okay?”

Her touch gave me the opportunity to take a second breath. Her scent transported me out of the haze of confusion.

I cleared my throat. “I’m back.”

She was smart enough to not ask what I meant.

I made sure Rose was behind me, not able to lose any more people.

I turned the knob and opened the door.

A bloody scene of horror greeted me.

God, help me. . .please. . .

Slashes of blood dripped down the walls. Puddles of blood covered the floor.

Backing up, Rose screamed and then covered her mouth to silence herself. Her reaction yanked me out of my terror. I’d been frozen in mind-numbing shock. Rose’s fear triggered me to act, to move forward, and do whatever I could to not only survive for myself but to protect her.

Keep Rose safe.

Still, my heart broke. I slumped a little, but kept my hand steady in front of me.

Tags: Kenya Wright Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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