DIMA (Filthy Rich Alphas) - Page 56

“Don’t look anymore.” Swallowing, I tightened my grip on her hand and guided her past the dead bodies in the hallway—my men’s dead bodies.

My brothers.

If Rose hadn’t been with me, I might’ve crumbled to my knees. I might’ve lost it. Her presence anchored me, kept my mind focused.

With his gun in his holster and phone in hand, Viktor lay dead among them. The front of his neck had been sliced—fast and with precision. So fast, I bet he didn’t even know when it happened. His game flickered on the screen with the start button blinking.

He’ll never finish that level.

My throat swelled as if my mouth felt like crying. I’d never experienced such an all-consuming pain. And I felt so. . .lost and completely alone.

Pull back from your emotions. Numb yourself. Concentrate.

I breathed and gathered myself as much as I could.

“Do me a favor, Rose.” I looked along the dark shadowed hallway. “Cover the front of your neck for me with your hand and don’t move your hand until we’re out of the church.”

She did that without any question.

Leo’s favorite knife had a thin sharp blade similar to a razor. And when he attacked, he did so in a spinning blur. The neck was his favorite target.

I noticed Viktor, Hayward, and West had fallen on top of each other, and they all had sliced throats, telling me they’d been caught by surprise within seconds of each other.

Earlier, there’d been bumping at the door after Leo closed it. Was that this?

Guiding us down the hallway and checking every shadow, I looked to the right side of us. Four men were piled on top of each other—Michael, Evan, Jay, and Claude.

Silent, Rose shivered against me.

Jay had a gun next to his broken arm that was bent in the wrong direction. He was probably the only one who was able to pull his weapon out. It looked like Leo gave his arm a swift-breaking and then sliced his neck.

First, we get Rose out of here. And then I find Leo.

We passed my men and all the blood, getting closer to the end of the hallway.

Rose squeezed my hand. That gesture comforted me. It was so small but I needed her warmth in this moment and I needed the grip of her soft fingers to push me out of gloom.

We hurried forward.

Whenever I saw an odd shadow, I paused and was ready to shoot.

Slim and short, Leo killed within the shadows, maintaining an advantage against any bigger enemy.

We moved on.

Nothing jumped out at us.

We got to the front of the church. Tons of wet people crowded around the altar and all of the pews. Many stood along the walls, unable to find a seat. A lot of people munched on shelter sandwiches half-wrapped in blue paper.

More people were entering from the opened double doors. Clearly, the church planned to shield as many as they could from the storm.

No one noticed Rose and I come from the back. There was too much commotion. Several people sat in the first aisle, chattering. One toothless man complained that he couldn’t smoke his cigarette inside. An older woman held a crying baby. Exhausted, she patted the little one’s back.

Out of respect for the church, I lowered my gun and kept it to my side. There were so many people in the space. It made me nervous. I was unsure if Leo was ducking behind any of them and waiting to slice.

Thunder boomed, rocking the church. The electricity shut off. Hushed whispers rose.

Pulling Rose closer to me in the darkness, I stopped us by the wall.

Leo’s assistant pastor, Fen, hurried to the alter. She’d been his wife’s best friend and the person to convince them to have a stronger relationship with God. The staff began to light candles.

Fen’s voice rose over the crowded space. “My friends, do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

Rain hammered against the stained glass window, threatening to break them into shards.

The candles’ glow illuminated the space more.

Checking every face, I kept the gun low and moved us forward. Rose continued to have her hand over her neck, not taking any chances.

“Never forget God’s words.” Fen raised her hands to calm everyone. “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.”

Wind slammed and shook the church. Lighting flashed. Thunder boomed.

A man bumped into me as he mumbled to himself. I almost shot him. The stank of alcohol radiated from him. He spotted the gun at my side and froze in shock. “The devil did it.”

“He sure did.” I guided us past him.

The man stumbled away and took a swig from a bottle hidden behind his jacket.

“Remember!” Fen silenced people near the altar. “God will uphold you!”

In all the pews, people began lowering their hands into prayer.

Tags: Kenya Wright Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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