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Logan (Filthy Rich Alphas)

Page 48

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I moved over to her and kissed those soft lips. “Are you hungry?”

“A little...” And then she widened her eyes. “Shit!”


She sat up. “I forgot something super important.”


“I have a wedding cake due tomorrow morning. Damn it. That was on my list when I woke up. Break up with Tyson and finish the cake.”

“No worries.” I sat up with her. “When is it due?”

“Around ten in the morning.” She jumped up and hurried to the bathroom. “Shit. I must get back to the house. I just won’t sleep and if I do that, I’ll finish it on time.”

“And I’ll help.”

She stopped and turned around. “No. You don’t have to. You haven’t slept and—”

“I wasn’t going to sleep tonight anyway.”

“Why not?”

“I planned on fucking you and then reading Kingmaker and then waking up later to fuck you again.”

She grinned. “All in that order?”

“Pretty much.”

“Well, I’m game as long as we add baking a cake to that list.”

“Good. I’ll read Kingmaker out loud.”

“And I’ll fall in love with you slowly with each page.”

“Shit.” I got up with her. “Then, let’s get this party started. Back to your house. And Mia, promise you’ll let me lick the bowl.”

She caught the sensual request. “I would love for you to lick it.”

“Good. Then, let’s head back.”


New Love



hen we’d arrived at my apartment hours earlier, no one was there. Tyson had moved his stuff under my brother’s supervision. My brother and his girlfriend left promptly afterwards. I owed them a dinner for the help.

Immediately, I focused on my efforts on making the cake.

I’m so lucky.

Hours later, a light pitter patter of rain hit the outside of the window. The sun rose, peaking into the brightening sky. I placed one more creamy ribbon around the white rose petals.

Logan sipped his coffee, cleared his throat, and continued to read. “Although Mulligan had come close to death, the mercury stones he’d taken in Mercia healed him—”

“That’s such bullshit.”

Logan looked up from the book. “You want Mulligan to die?”

“No, but I want the author to keep it real too. He killed Mulligan off in the last book and got a bunch of backlash, so boom, now we have some mercury stones added.”

“Mulligan did get mercury stones from Mercia.”

I lay a creamy ribbon along the second layer. “I don’t remember mercury stones in any of the earlier books.”

“Book three and four.”


“Bullshit?” He smirked. “Are you challenging me?”

“I am. The mercury stones are complete bullshit.”

He closed the book and set it next to his coffee. “Do you want to bet me on this?”

“Go for it, buddy.”

His jaw clenched as if he’d take that buddy comment out on my pussy later. I damn sure hoped he would. Sex with Logan was everything. It not only gave me pleasure, but it healed my body and soul. I had more energy. Making the wedding cake had been easy with him reading to me. I was profoundly grateful for all Logan had done for me today.

Logan continued, “If I’m right about Mulligan taking mercury stones in book three and four, then you’ll cook dinner for me tomorrow.”


“I’m not done.” He rose from his seat and pierced me with a heated gaze. “And you’ll be naked the whole time.

I swallowed. “O-kay.”

“And sometimes, while you’re cooking, I’m going to want to taste—”

“The food?”


I blinked. “And this is if I win, right?”

He laughed. “No, Mia. That’s if you lose.”

“Shoot.” I went back to decorating the cake. “That’s not a loss at all. We can just call that Wednesday from now on.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yes.” I did my best to focus on the cake. “I would very much like to be in your schedule. I want to be your Wednesday.”

“There won’t be any other people to have any other days. I’m focused on you, but yes, on Wednesday, I’ll be here, hungry and horny.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

“But back to our bet.” He stomped over to my bookcase.

Since Dummy had moved in, I hadn’t seen the shelves in weeks. Now that he’d moved his crap out earlier, all his sneakers and boxes were gone.

My place was back to normal.

“How about when you lose, you’ll have to give me your next four weekends, exclusively.” He grabbed book three and four of the Kingmaker series off my shelf. “Obviously, if you have events or classes that’s fine, I won’t disturb that...but your time is mine.”

“All yours?”


I smiled. “And what will we do?”

He winked and brought the books over to the counter. “Get to know each other.”

“Deal. And if I win, then I get your next two months’ worth of weekends.” It might’ve been a crazy thing to request, but I was enjoying my time with him too much, and I didn’t want it to end.

“Interesting.” He studied me. “Now I wish I was wrong.”

“You are.”

“I’m not.” It barely took him a minute to find the page. He gestured for me to check it out.

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