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Logan (Filthy Rich Alphas)

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I walked over and read it. “Damn. He really did take mercury stones.”

“Boom.” He closed the book. “Do I need to show you this in book four or are we good?”

“Whatever.” I laughed. “We’re good.”

“Okay. I win. Two months.”

I headed back to the cake. “Wait. You said one month.”

“Yeah, but I like your idea better. Two months of your weekends.” He leaned his head to the side. “And it won’t all be sex—”

I snorted. “That’s pretty presumptuous that we would have sex.”

“We’re definitely having sex.”

“Look.” I went back to designing the cake. “I’m not that type of girl.”

He chuckled and picked up the latest Kingmaker. “Like I was saying, it won’t all be sex. Maybe we can go camping—”

“Glamping. Glam and some camping. Meaning there should be a bed, plumbing, and outlets, if I’m coming.”

“Glamping it is.” He opened the book and continued to read the novel out loud to me.

And I loved every damn minute of it.

At times, I got lost in the flow of his words as they danced in the air. How perfect my life had become and only in twenty-four hours.

One day had changed everything.

Had I never gone to investigate those notebooks, I would’ve probably woken up to Tyson. I wouldn’t still been a coward, wondering if I should break up with him.

Another hour passed.

I finished washing the dishes around me. “The cake’s finished.”

Logan had taken a break from reading and turned his mission to devouring some of my bowls of batter. “Wow. This is so fucking good. Will you need help with delivering the cake?”

“Yes. It’s heavy, but the design won’t require any on-site assembly.” I grabbed the bowl he had and washed it. “This is it. Thankfully, the couple didn’t want a groom’s cake.”

“What did they decide to do instead?”

“Pastries and chocolates to represent the groom’s cake formed into the symbol for his fraternity.”

“Interesting.” He rose from his seat.

Yawning, I dried off the bowl.

“You’re done.” Logan took the bowl away from me, set it on the counter, and drew me into his arms. “You’ve been on your feet the whole time. Write down the address. I’ll take it over, while you get some rest.”

“Oh no, I should—”


At that moment, my body agreed, pushing another yawn out of my mouth.

He tenderly grabbed my chin and lifted my view to him. “I promise to be careful when I deliver the cake. You need to sleep.”

“It would be nice to get a little rest.”

“It would. And trust, it will only be a little, because I’ll be back, and I have some different plans for how to make you moan. I’ve decided I really love that sound.”

Shivers of pleasure fluttered up my spine. “Is this a dream?”

“It damn sure better not be.” He kissed me, and I fell into him, lost in the warmth of his mouth and the promise of delicious tomorrows.




Six months later

As I drove us to grab the Kingmaker’s new release, Mia sucked my cock, swallowing the thick length into her mouth and driving me crazy.

“Damn, baby.” I could barely keep my gaze on the road as I drove us to the Yellow Brick Road.

Every part of me yearned to explode, spurt all over her face like I’d been doing for the past months.

This year had been the best. In many ways, I healed from my parents’ death. In other ways, I grew as a man. And it was all due to Mia and the love that she offered to me so freely.

She never once brought any baggage with Tyson into our relationship. Although I did my best to show her the utmost respect and make sure she’d never have a reason to end it.

None of us ever heard from Ashley again. Mia had blocked Ashley on all her social media, deleted her number, and never mentioned the woman again. As far as we were concerned Ashley and Tyson were fading ghosts from distant memories.

Meanwhile, I was still making sure that Mia was all mine.

With her, I stayed the course, surprising her all the time. I wined and dined Mia as much as possible. I gave gifts and moonlit picnics on the beach. We made love in every part of my condo and even hers.

And she loved to surprise me to, taking me to my favorite baseball team’s games. And dealing with my sisters when they gave me headaches.

I need to put ring on her finger soon. First I’ll get her to move in. Next. . .I get her to the altar.

Surely, there were other men waiting to take her from me. When we went out, they stared and watched those curvy hips of her stroll by. She had most men’s attention, and it made me crazy.

I wanted to move her sexy ass into my condo two months after our first night having sex. She politely said no, not wanting to rush back into a live-in situation.

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