Matched - Page 22

JON: Have you eaten? I haven't had any food since this morning.

I sigh, smiling to myself. The man eats like a horse when he eats, but then he practically starves himself the rest of the time.

INDIA: I had a nice bowl of pho delivered from the Vietnamese restaurant down the street. I'm good.

JON: Oh, damn. Why didn’t you text me? I would have come and joined you. You know I love pho.

INDIA: It's my day off. I'm supposed to not have anything to do with the office on my day off.

JON: Dream on.

I laugh because he's right. It never happens. Usually, I end up zipping over to the office to take care of some emergency. I’m surprised that no one called me earlier in the day.

INDIA: Those were your orders, Mr. CEO. You said that when we take a day off, we should turn off our cells and not accept texts.

JON: That was aspirational. It wasn't meant to be achieved.

INDIA: I'm trying my best to achieve it.

JON: Okay. I'll leave you alone. Do you want me to come by with a beer?

INDIA: That wouldn't be leaving me alone.

JON: Ha ha. You got me. Good night.

INDIA: Sleep tight.


About an hour later, Marina texts me and claims she has a new match for me and is arranging for us to meet at her party.

INDIA: Isn't that awfully quick? I mean, I just filled out the questionnaire.

MARINA: Trust me. This is a sure thing. His name is Evan. He's hot as hell. And he likes your pic and profile.

INDIA: I don't remember creating a profile. You have to ask me about these things!

MARINA: Hun, you gave me permission to create a profile and match you up with guys, remember? You gave me permission to arrange a first date. You can always decline, but this is important. Take a look at his pic and see what you think. Tell me he isn't right up your alley.

I open the link to the guy's profile. Evan Moran. He's tall and dark and bearded. He looks really metrosexual, his moustache curled up on the ends. On closer examination, his dark hair is cut short on the sides but long and slicked back in a very trendy man bun.

She's got to be kidding…

INDIA: A man bun?

MARINA: He's got a masters in Political Science and is doing his Ph.D. at Stanford. He's vegan and likes jazz and grunge metal. He drives a Jeep and does Bikram Yoga.

INDIA: Vegan? I'm a devoted meat eater. My favorite food is steak.

MARINA: He's flexible about dating omnivores.

INDIA: And hot yoga? You know I melt at room tempe

rature unless I'm beside a large body of water.

MARINA: You're beautiful and sexy. He likes curvy women. He said yes as soon as he saw your pic.

INDIA: If you think so…

Tags: S.E. Lund Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024