I pause for a moment, rethinking the whole business.
INDIA: Maybe I shouldn't meet him at the party on Saturday.
MARINA: Why? It's all arranged, hun.
INDIA: Jon will eat him alive.
MARINA: Jon will be too busy drooling over the swimsuit model beautician.
I think back to the night Jon dropped me off.
INDIA: Jon kissed me the other night. It was weird.
MARINA: DANGER WILL ROBINSON! Do NOT hook up with Jon. It will mean the end of your business relationship. I know what I'm talking about.
INDIA: I have no plans to hook up with him. He's not into relationships. He's a bonobo and likes to fuck every woman he meets. That's all. It's his natural mode of interaction.
MARINA: You two have got to find partners and stop thinking that getting together will solve your problems.
INDIA: We're not thinking of getting together. We're friends. Good friends. We're business partners.
MARINA: Honestly, you can't get together with Jon, even if it would be easy and logical.
INDIA: I know! Believe me, there's no intention on my part to hook up with Jon. It's the last thing I'm thinking about.
MARINA: Don't go there. Seriously. Big mistake. Huge mistake.
INDIA: Why do you think that?
MARINA: Because he'll break your heart. You know I'm right…
INDIA: Message received
MARINA: Good. You need to meet my match for you. Give him a shot.
I sigh, wishing I could say no, but I promised her I'd help her out. Besides, I want someone. I need a man.
INDIA: Okay, but if things don't work out on this date, you have to give up and realize that either your app is wrong or there's something wrong with me.
MARINA: There's nothing wrong with you that a nice hard man won't fix. ;) Your date is ripped on top of being very urbane. He does say he knows how to please a woman on his profile.
INDIA: UGH. Really? That's a plus in your mind?
MARINA: At least he's confident.
INDIA: All right… But this is the last time. Seriously, Marina.
MARINA: I guarantee this will be the last time I match you with someone. K?
MARINA: Later.
I close my texts after reading them over once more, then put my cell away.
Evan Moran.