Wrapped Up In Christmas - Page 86

She swallowed, wondering what could possibly be more than what he’d already revealed.

“I’m falling for you.”

Startled at his confession, her lips parted, but no words came out.

“I’m not sure any man could spend time with you and not fall for you, Sarah.”

“Oh, there h

ave been plenty who haven’t.” She couldn’t believe Bodie was saying he had. Yes, she’d seen the look he sometimes got, had felt the changes in him, but she hadn’t dared believe he was falling for her.

“Then they never really saw the woman I see. They couldn’t have.”

Stunned, Sarah stared at him. Was it possible Bodie was the hero she’d dreamed of while sewing the quilt? Her knight in shining armor who’d never leave her? Or was he just feeling misguided gratitude? And did any of this change his plans? Was he still leaving?

“That’s a sweet thing to say,” she began, her mind full as she tried to comprehend what was happening.

“I’m not a sweet man, Sarah. What I’m saying is the truth.”

“You’re the sweetest man I’ve ever known, Bodie.”

A redbird flew low where Harry played, grabbing the dog’s attention, and he took off after it, barking and chasing it towards the woods.

Frowning, Bodie opened the truck door, and half stepped out. “Harry!”

Slowing, the dog looked their way.

“Come here.”

Harry hesitated, gave one last look of longing in the direction the bird had flown, then bounded toward them full speed, not slowing until he reached Bodie.

“Good dog.” Bodie squatted and gave the dog a good rubbing down and more words of praise.

Shivering from the cold air filling the truck through the open door, Sarah watched them, while processing everything he’d said.

Bodie had come to find her and now he was falling for her.

With the way her heart fluttered when he was near, when he’d kissed her the night before, it would be so easy to fall for him, too.

But as wonderful as the thought of falling in love with Bodie was, she knew that didn’t change the fact he was leaving.

Leaving was in his blood.

Pine Hill was in hers.

Sadness filled her at what might have been if either of them were different people, had different dreams. Part of her wanted to beg him to stay, to give them a chance to see what could be.

But doing that, only to have him eventually leave… she just couldn’t.

Richard leaving had stung, had left a void in her life, and he’d never been sweet to her or made her belly feel like a shaken snow globe.

Bodie leaving was already going to hurt much worse than that sting.

If she were to let herself to fall for him, and then she lost him, she might never recover. Hadn’t her Aunt Jean only loved one man her whole life? Her father only one woman? She couldn’t allow her heart to belong to a man destined to leave.

Biting into her lower lip, she fortified her resolve that she and Bodie could only be friends. She’d known it from the beginning. The night before had messed with her head, but they could move past that. She’d chalk it up to a romantic sleigh ride and a magical mistletoe kiss on her part and misguided gratitude on his.

He’d leave and occasionally they’d think of each other with remembered fondness. Nothing more.

Tags: Janice Lynn Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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