Wrapped Up In Christmas - Page 107

This page is for the people who will work on the (21) Blue + White Morning Star Blocks.

If you make “block kits,” each block will need:

(1) 3-1/2” Star Center Square (White)

(8) 2” Star Point Squares (White)

(4) 3-1/2” Star Corner Squares (Blue)

(4) 3-1/2” Star Background Squares


Make Star Point Units:

Draw a diagonal line across the wrong side of each 2” white Star Point square

Place 2” white Star Point square right sides together in a corner of a 3-1/2” blue Star Background square, as shown

Sew just next to the drawn line in order to place the seam line just a bit closer to the corner (this allows for the “foldover” on the corner)

Trim excess fabric and press seam allowance open

Repeat at adjoining corner of 3-1/2” blue Star Background square

Press and trim to 3-1/2”, if necessary

Assemble (21) Blue+White Star Blocks:

For each nine-patch block, you will need:(4) Blue Star Corner squares

(1) White Star Center square

(4) Star Point Units from previous step

Attach square units as shown

Set the blocks aside until time to assemble the quilt.

Split Star Blocks

This page is for making the (7) Split Star Blocks.

You have already cut and labeled:

White (7) 3-1/2” Corner Square (set aside)

White (25) 5” HST & QST Squares

Blue (11) 5” HST Center Square

Red (7) 3-1/2” Corner Squares (set aside)

Red (14) 5” HST & QST Squares

Please note:

The squares for the Half-Square Triangles (HSTs) and the Quarter-Square Triangles (QSTs) were cut larger than needed and then will be trimmed to the correct size after the units are sewn

Tags: Janice Lynn Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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