Wrapped Up In Christmas - Page 108

Some HSTs will be trimmed to 3-1/2” square

Some HSTs will be used to make QSTs and trimmed afterwards

Make HST units from oversized 5” Squares

Draw diagonal line on back of all (25) white 5” squares

Place white squares right sides together with all red and blue 5” squares

Sew 1/4” on each side of the drawn line

Cut apart on the drawn line

Press seam allowance toward darker fabric

You will now have (22) Blue+White HSTs and (28) Red+White HSTsTRIM ONLY (7) of the Blue+White HSTs to 3-1/2” and set aside for Centers

TRIM ONLY (14) of the Red+White HSTs to 3-1/2” and set aside for Corners

Make QST units from the remaining (15) Blue+White HSTs and (14) Red+White HSTs:

Draw diagonal line perpendicular to the seamline on half of the blue and half of the red HST units

Place two same-color HSTs right sides together, nesting the seam line, with light and dark fabrics opposite each other

Sew 1/4” on each side of the drawn line

Cut apart on the drawn line

Press seam allowance open or “spin” the seam allowances so they all go in the same direction and then press

Trim to 3-1/2” square, being sure to line up the center of the QST at 1-3/4” in both directions

Assemble (7) Split Star Blocks

After all units are trimmed to 3-1/2”, for each block, you will need:

(1) White Corner Square

(1) Red Corner Square

(1) Blue+White HST

(2) Red+White HSTs

(2) Blue+White QSTs

(2) Red+White QSTs

Assemble Quilt

Attach the rows of blocks as shown above.

Add the strip sets to complete the rows.

After the rows are attached to each other, the top should measure 63-1/2” square.

For the borders:

Tags: Janice Lynn Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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