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Twist of Fate (Kings of Chaos 6)

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I flick her stiff nipples with my tongue, and she moans. “What can I say? You’ve converted me.” I bite her peak gently, and she arches her back, coming off the bed as she rubs her thighs together. I circle her mounds, as the chocolate melts on my tongue and the flavor of her skin fills my mouth. It’s intoxicating. Once she’s clean, I grip her breast, sucking and massaging as she writhes beneath me.

“I could make you come like this.”

She whimpers. “Yes.”

“I won’t.” She groans. “But I could.” I kiss my way down her sternum to her belly, circling her belly button. I dip my tongue inside. She shivers, and I trail my fingertips down her thighs. Bumps raise on her skin. Sensitive to a light touch, she’s easy to tease. I nip my way down to her belly.

“Open for me.” She parts her legs, and I run my fingers down her inner thighs, massaging as I admire her glistening lips. I brush my thumb over her clit.


“It’s like music when you cry out for me.” I slip two fingers inside and slowly stroke her walls. Fisting the sheets, she digs her heels into the bed as she pushes up.

“Ah ah.” I pause in mid-stroke. “You take what I give you, greedy girl.”

A whimper spills from her kiss swollen lips.

She stills her thrusts, and I resume my motion. I stroke her with my other hand while I pump her with my fingers. A fine tremor shakes her body, and her breath comes in small pants. I like seeing the woman who runs the show during the day out of control and ready for the pleasure I can bring her. Her walls constrict, and I moan.

“I think I have something better for you than my fingers.”

Chapter Eight


“What’s up?” I ask, cradling the phone to my ear as I wash dishes.

“Calling to give you a heads up. Dad asked me why I was training so many new people today, and I told him to ask you.”

“Great.” I roll my r.

“Don’t shoot the messenger.”

“I won’t. I knew the time was coming. They’ll be announcing the competitors soon at the radio station. Did he say he was going to call?”

“No. Considering how big this is, he might stop by. So, if you don’t want him to know about Shayne yet, I suggest making sure you’re alone.”

I roll my eyes. “No, I’m done with hiding. Shayne’s an amazing guy, and he’s going to be pissed off either way.”

“This is true. Better to do it all in one fell swoop.”

“Thanks for having my back, big bro.”

“We got you. I’m just sorry it took us so long to see how lacking we were.”

“But you did, and that’s all that matters in the end. I expected to be going up against all of you, so having you on my side i

s a relief.” My phone beeps. “Crap. This is Dad. I’ll call you back later if we don’t kill each other.”

“What’s going on?” Shayne asks.

Shaking my head, I hold up my pointer finger.

“Hey, Dad.”

“Why are we hiring so many people. Do you have some new marketing planned that I don’t know about?” he asks.

“Dad, this isn’t a conversation to have on the phone. Do you think you could come over?”

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