Bikers Librarian (Lords of Mayhem 1) - Page 69

“When are we going to get past this? I know I was wrong. I’ve apologized a million times over.” Joel ran his hands through his hair.

“Where does it say apologies have to be accepted?”

“You’re being fucking ridiculous.” Joel exhaled. “Look, can we not do this in front of her?”

“No, I want to know what’s going on,” Juliette said. “I think I’ve been in the dark long enough.”

“Jesus, you didn’t tell her yet?” The disbelief in Joel’s words wounded her.

“What haven’t you told me, Shooter?”

“There you go again, showing up and fucking up my shit,” Shooter said, glaring at Joel.

“This shit is on you.” Joel pointed to him. “If you don’t tell her I will.”

“Shooter?” Juliette glanced up at him feeling her heart break.


??I came home on leave from the Marine Corps and found my fiancée and high school sweetheart fucking my brother in our bed.”

She gasped. “Oh my god. I am so sorry.”

“Yeah, to make things even better, he married her.”

“I love her. Don’t make it sound like it was to spite you.” Joel’s chest heaved. A vein throbbed in the side of his neck. “It was a long time ago. Why do you keep hanging on to it? You act like you have no family, but we’re still here. You haven’t even seen Brittany since Mom and Dad’s funeral.”

“I have a new family now. One who knows the true meaning of loyalty.”

“I fucked up one time, Daniel.” He held up a finger. “One time and you just cut me out of your life. I can’t believe you’re still hung up on Angelina. Not after all this time.”

The words cut Juliette deep. What other reason did he have for keeping his distance? She wasn’t the love of his life, because Angelina held that spot. Shooter lived and died for family and the people he cared about. It was clear from the potent anger he still loved his brother. Did the same hold true for Angelina?

“Are you fucking kidding me? Why would I still be longing after someone who could do that while I was being shot at and wondering if I’d make it home?”

“Then what is it?” Joel stepped forward. “We’re family. Neither of us is getting any younger and I want my baby brother back, man. Look, I know showing up was drastic, but you won’t return my calls. “ Joey turned to look at Juliette. “I’m sorry for coming in and causing drama.” He dug in his back pocket and pulled out a white card. “This is the hotel I’m staying at. I’ll be there for the rest of the week if you decide to change your mind so we can hash this out.”

Shooter ignored the card. Juliette took it and flashed him a sympathetic look. He’d been wrong for what he’d done, but he was trying to make it right. Silence filled the space as Joel left, closing the door behind him. Juliette pulled away from Shooter and locked the door. Turning, she leaned against the wood.

“Why didn’t you tell me about what happened, Shooter?”

“Because it happened a long time and has nothing to do with us.”

She shook her head. “Yes, it does.”


“Do you still love her?”

“Fuck no. Everything I’ve said to you is true.” He ran the back of his knuckles down the side of her face. “I love you, there’s no one else.”

“Then why did you keep such a huge part of your life from me? Why won’t you forgive him? You’re all about family.”

“Baby when he did that he stopped being my family, don’t you understand that?” He leaned against the door, blocking her in with his large frame.

“He wants to fix it, Shooter. Holding on to this anger can’t be good. I have a small family, I’d kill for more.”

He frowned. “You have more with me, Mayhem and your girls.”

Tags: Shyla Colt Lords of Mayhem Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024