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A Devilish Christmas (The Marchesi Family)

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I was hoping to at least see somebody coming or going from the house Donaldson’s brother owned. I really needed a break in this investigation. I never stopped watching my back, but with Donaldson lose, I was more tense than ever about being caught off guard. I’d seen the horrible things Donaldson had done to his victims, and I felt responsible for sending him back to a cell or better yet, putting him in the ground.

I resigned myself to being hungry and shifted in my seat so I was more comfortable. Several more boring moments passed. A car pulled into a driveway a few houses down, and a woman walked by with her dog, but otherwise, all was quiet.

Then I saw an SUV moving slowly down the street. It didn’t turn into a driveway. Instead, the driver parked against the curb several car lengths behind me. There weren’t any houses on my side of the road, only woods, but I figured it was someone visiting who didn’t want to block a driveway.

Moments passed, and no one got out of the vehicle. My gut told me something was up. I turned back to the house, wondering if I would see someone emerge. Nothing happened for another few minutes, then a large man got out of the SUV.

He was dressed all in black, and he headed into the woods. Shit. I’d be a fool to go after a random stranger in the dark, but I needed this case to end. I was in danger and so was everyone around me. Even if that didn’t matter, Devil wasn’t going to wait much longer for our honeymoon, and I longed for some time away with him, time to lie in bed and not think about monsters like Donaldson.

I opened my car door and drew my gun, holding it by my side as I listened carefully. I couldn’t risk a hasty move. The house across the street was still dark and silent. It was possible—likely even—the man in the car wasn’t connected to Donaldson in any way. Still, my gut told me to follow him.

I took a few steps into the woods, then paused, listening for footsteps and waiting for my eyes to adjust to the dark so I could distinguish a human figure from the tree trunks.

I didn’t see any movement. My pulse sped up. Something wasn’t right.

Someone grabbed me from behind, wrenching my gun arm back and covering my mouth. I fought their hold and kicked back, slamming my heel into their shin. “Fuck, Joe, you’re supposed to surrender.”

Devil. I tried to yell at him, but his hand was still clamped over my mouth. What the fuck was he doing here?

He started dragging me toward his car. Did he seriously think we were going to fuck in his backseat when I was on a stakeout? I loved role-play with him, but this was taking it way too far.

I began to struggle again, and he tightened his grip. “Drop your gun,” he ordered.

Fuck no. Right then, I was seriously considering shooting him.

“I don’t want to hurt you, but you’re getting in my car.”

I bit down hard on his hand, and he slammed me against the side of his SUV, gripping my wrist tight enough to keep my gun pointed at the ground. “Drop it.”

Jesus, he was hot when he was all worked up like this. My cock didn’t care what I was supposed to be doing. It was telling me to get on my knees. Maybe I did want some role-play after all. Devil had a way of making me forget to care about anything but having him, but that didn’t mean I was going to make this easy.

I let my gun fall to the ground and sank back against the vehicle, letting Devil believe I was giving in. He groaned and pushed up against me, rubbing our cocks together.

“Should I fuck you right here against the side of the truck? Could you be quiet enough?”

I hooked my leg around his and yanked his foot out from under him.

He stumbled, barely catching himself with an outstretched arm before he slammed into the side of the vehicle. I ducked under his arm and ran toward my car. If I could get inside and lock him out, maybe he’d get the hint that he needed to go the fuck away.

I heard him grumbling about stubborn bastards who don’t know what’s good for them as he ran after me.

I nearly made it to my car before he caught me around the waist and lifted me off my feet. I never failed to be impressed by how easily he could toss me around. He was so fucking strong. Part of me wanted to give into him for real this time. “I’ve got a fucking job to do, Devil.”

“Not anymore. You’re off this case.”

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