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Ends of the Earth

Page 17

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Then it was time to heave themselves back into the raft. With helmets on and paddles ready, they prepared for the final set of churning rapids, which Ben navigated expertly. After the last bit of jostling white water, the river smoothed out again and they landed on the shore, where flatbed trucks for the rafts and minivans for the rafters waited to return them to the starting point.

Taking a towel from one of the staff, Jason watched as Ben helped hoist a raft, his wet skin glistening in the sunlight, the dark hair on his chest showing through the soaked white cotton of his tank top.

What would it feel like to rub against him?

“Hellooo? Earth to Dad.”

Jason forced his attention back to Maggie, helping her with the stubborn lid on a water bottle.

It was crazy, but he felt a strange pang of disappointment when Ben rode back in a different van.

Everyone clambered out in the parking lot, and he looked around for Ben. He caught his eye and waved. “Thanks for a great trip!” His pulse sped.

“Anytime,” Ben replied as he approached, rubbing a towel over his hair. The fuzz on his chest was a shadow under his drying tank top, and Jason forced his gaze up as Ben asked, “What are you guys up to the rest of the day?”

Maggie glared at Jason. “I want to drive all the way up Going-to-the-Sun Road, but Dad’s chicken.”

“I’m not chicken. I’m cautious. The weather could turn again, and I don’t want to be stuck on a two-lane road up a mountain.”

“Oh, but you have to do the Road to the Sun.” Ben smiled softly, a faraway glint in his eyes. “That’s what my dad called it.” He peered up at the sky. “I think it’s a good bet to do it now.” His gaze met Jason’s, sending a bolt down Jason’s spine. “If you want, I’ll drive you in my truck. I’ve done it a hundred times.” He motioned. “Besides, the road’s right there. We’re already on it.”

“Awesome!” Maggie clapped and practically twirled. “Can we, can we? I’m sure Ben is a very safe driver.”

“I like to think so.” Ben laughed.

Jason had to smile. “How can I say no?”

And as they followed Ben to his truck, he realized the only word echoing faintly in his mind was yes, yes, yes.


“Wow.” Jason stared at the swath of green valley. A sharp blue river cut through it, rocky hilltops reaching up to the huge expanse of sky, a few fluffy white clouds making the blue even richer.

It had been slow going over the continental divide, the twisty road clogged with other tourists. They’d lucked into a prime location at one of the lookouts, and Ben had turned off the truck so they could stretch their legs and take in the view.

As Ben pointed to a rock formation and talked to Maggie about tectonic plates, Jason couldn’t resist grabbing his sketchbook and pencils from his backpack. Leaning on the hood of the truck, he opened a fresh page, pencil flying.

“It’s amazing!” Maggie exclaimed, and Jason glanced up to find her out of reach.

He called, “Don’t go any closer to the edge, Mags.”

She rolled her eyes over her shoulder. “Dad. It’s, like, way over there.”

“I know, but… Be careful.”

Ben gave Jason a smile. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep her safe and sound.” He nodded to the sketchbook. “I didn’t know you were an artist.”

Jason scoffed. “I’m not. It’s just a stupid hobby.”

“He’s so good, but he doesn’t believe me,” Maggie said. “He should be drawing pictures instead of working at the cookie factory. Even though I like the free cookies.”

Heat in his cheeks, Jason shook his head. “Unfortunately we need to eat and pay the rent.” Ben hadn’t asked what he did for a living, and Jason had been grateful. He knew there was nothing to be ashamed of since the factory was an honest job, but when he’d attended Waltham Prep, expectations were far different. Even if he hadn’t wanted to go into business, he’d never envisioned a punch card in his future.

Either way, his art was never going to pay the bills. Most of the time he was too tired and busy to draw much anyway. He looked down at the scratchings on his pad, his cheeks burning hotter. “It’s a waste of time.”

“I disagree.” Ben had come closer and was watching him with those intense eyes under thick brows. “Art or anything that inspires passion in us is never a waste.” He swept his arm around. “Believe me, if I had an iota of artistic talent, I’d draw the hell out of the Road to the Sun. I mean, look at it. Look at all of this. To me, nature is art, and I think it’s incredibly valuable. It needs to be protected. Cherished!” His words spilled out, and he took a breath, chuckling. “I guess you hit a nerve. I’m so lucky to be able to work here, and I wish everyone could discover their passion. Explore it and cultivate it. If you want to draw, do it!”

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