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Ends of the Earth

Page 19

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Those blue eyes bore into him. “You…?”

“Um… Uh, I…”

I want to know if you’ve been hitting on me and if anything might actually happen. Do I want something to actually happen?

Fire scorched his veins at the thought of it—kissing and touching Ben for real. No theoreticals, no idle interest he could brush off and explain away. His heart tripped. What was he thinking? This vacation was for Maggie, and she was sitting between them, and he was wondering how Ben’s lips would feel. He’d been celibate for years and had honestly never given it a lot of thought. There had been too much else to worry about.

But now his imagination worked overtime. He cleared his throat, pressing his sweaty palms to his thighs. “Just that I’m sorry to hear about your ex. You’re so great with Maggie that I figured you must have kids.”

Ben turned his attention back to the road as they crawled along. “Thanks. But I couldn’t compete with Tyson Lockwood, so.” He grimaced. “That’s not really fair—Brad and I broke up for more reasons than Tyson.”

“Your ex is the guy who married Tyson Lockwood?” Jason asked. “Huh. I saw something about it on Buzzfeed.”

Maggie huffed. “Tyson Lockwood’s a terrible actor. Dad, remember how bad that movie about the volcano was? Not to mention completely scientifically inaccurate.”

“God, that really was awful,” he agreed. Just act normal. Stop thinking about Ben’s lips. Or his arms. Or his hairy chest. Just stop thinking completely.

Ben chuckled. “Thanks, guys.”

Jason blurted, “Are you going to adopt with anyone else?” He laughed nervously. “I mean, you probably have a new boyfriend, so maybe you guys could?”

Ben met Jason’s gaze steadily. “Nope, no boyfriend. But I’m open to new possibilities.”

“Great! That’s good.” Jason’s heart thumped, his voice too high. “Wow, look at that view! You can see for so many miles. Maggie, look!”

“Obviously I’m looking, Dad. What’s up with you?”

“Nothing! I’m just excited by the view. That’s why we came up here, right? Amazing view.” Oh my God, stop talking.

“Indeed it is.” Ben edged into the back of the lookout parking area. “Maggie, I’ve got a great story about that lake. Want to hear it?”

Jason followed them out of the truck, grateful for the change of subject. But he could still feel the imprint of Ben’s steady gaze, the low rumble of his voice echoing.

New possibilities.

Jason was walking through quicksand, and it was closing in, pulling him deeper and deeper. He breathed shallowly, not sure if he was afraid or all too eager.

“Do you think they found that fisherman?” Maggie asked from the back seat.

“I don’t know, sweetie. I hope so.” Jason flicked on the windshield wipers as he turned onto another dirt road that allegedly led to a remote trail Ben had recommended. They’d already been driving more than an hour from the campground, heading deeper and deeper into the middle of nowhere. They hadn’t even passed another vehicle in ages.

“Do you think Ben will be able to come with us?” She toyed with the fraying lining of her red poncho, tearing off a strip.

“Honey, don’t do that. That coat has to last you until winter.”

He certainly hoped Ben could meet them. Being alone this far into the woods put him on edge. Ben had assured him the view was worth it and there was no danger as long as they took the usual precautions. Jason had told the campers in the next site where they were going, just in case they got lost. Still, he’d feel a million times safer if Ben came with them.

“I really want Ben to come,” Maggie whined.

You and me both. “He said he would meet us this afternoon if he could. We’re lucky he spent almost his whole day off with us yesterday.” Jason had been working up the nerve to invite Ben to the campsite for dinner when Ben had been called away to join a search party for a fisherman who was hours overdue.

“But he said he had to do a trail inspection anyway, so he should come with us.”

Jason drove into the middle of the narrow road to avoid a pothole. “I’m sure he will if he can.”

“You like Ben, don’t you?”

His laugh sounded slightly hysterical. “Of course. Why wouldn’t I?”

“I dunno.” Maggie flipped the back seat heating vent open and closed, open and closed. “You were acting funny.”

“No I wasn’t. Stop that.” He reached back and nudged her hand away from the vent.

“Anyone who doesn’t like Ben is a dummy. Like his old boyfriend.”

“Maggie, we don’t call people names.” The rain blurred the windshield, and he twisted the wipers up to the highest level.

“Come on, Dad. That guy is stupid. Ben would be the best boyfriend.”

The brisk, rhythmic thumping of the wipers echoed his heartbeat. “I still don’t want you calling people names. And I said stop doing that.”

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