Love Actually (Love By Design 5) - Page 7

“So here’s what I’m thinking. Flowers, a walkway of steps to the top and a glass gazebo made of sugar candy like glass.”

“Just like the mini one you did for your senior seminar baking class?” Taylor clapped her hands together beaming. Her smile was like warm sunshine and I knew rocking this cake out of the park was my top priority.

“Exactly, only bigger. Enough for at least a hundred and fifty, maybe two hundred people.” I took out a piece paper and started sketching the design.

“Oh my god, Carmen! That’s a huge cake. What will we do with the rest?”

“I can order cute take-out boxes for the guests to take home cake. The top will of course be saved for your anniversary and anything else we could donate to a homeless shelter or where ever you want.”

She clapped her hands, excitement sparkled in her eyes like sugared blueberries with edible glitter. “Yes, I love it.”

“Flavors?” I asked continuing to sketch.

“You know I’m going to need Kristen’s help with that.”

Ah the friend I hadn’t met just yet. Taylor told me she could be a bit territorial.

“Let’s get that scheduled and then I can set up some samples. Things like Dutch chocolate, lemon lavender, vanilla almond, and some fruits.” I drew out the staircase wondering how I would work out the fondant.

“My mouth is watering.” Taylor traced the drawing reverently. Her cake would be over the top amazing. I’d stake my entire career on it.

“Good thing I made some fresh doughnuts, biscotti, and chocolate croissants.”

“Carmen, you’re going to make me gain so much weight before I can get my dress.” My bestie pats her middle and I’m sure that if her fiancé had his way by the sound of things she might also be pregnant by then too.

We laughed and I tugged her behind the pretty glass counter where I kept the goodies. The bell rang and we looked up at the man stepping into my shop.

“Hello, any chance you’re open?” His green eyes lasered in on me as he ran a hand over his shorn blond cropped hair. His hands rested on his hips as he rocked back in forth in his uniform pants that hid nothing. He looked young to be a police officer with his baby face, but the broad chest and muscles made up for it.

“Now that’s a tall glass of water.” Taylor nudged me and I smiled at her going to help my first official customer of sorts.

“Oh hey, Taylor.” The guy acknowledged my f

riend before coming back to me.

“I’ll put some coffee on in the back.” Taylor squeezed my shoulder and left me out front with my first customer. This guy couldn’t be all bad if Taylor knew him, small towns and all that.

“The grand opening is this weekend, but I think I can help you out.” I gave the stranger dressed in a neatly pressed police uniform a smile. He was attractive in a beefcake kind of way. The kind of guys I dated in the past weren’t into the gym and preferred doing anything but get their hands dirty unless it involve fileting a salmon or slow roasting a chateaubriand. This guy seemed like he knew his way around women more or less with the gun toting swagger and the handcuff case strapped to his Batman belt.

“I was doing a little parking enforcement and happened to smell something incredible coming from this vicinity, so naturally I had to investigate.”

“Naturally.” I drawled observing him the same way he was observing me. Alright, I was intrigued. Not going to lie, an attractive man makes eyes at me and I’m curious. His smile and sheepish admission drew me further down the rabbit hole.

“Was that a lame pick up line?” He leaned over on the counter as I opened the case and took one of everything sticking it in a white box tying it up with red and white string.

“I don’t know. Depends. Was it a pick up line?” I pushed the box across the counter and Officer Hottie got out his wallet. I stopped him with my hand over his extending the bills. “I’m not technically open so these are on the house.”

His face crinkles in the corners as he rubbed his fingers over my hand in a suggestive hand shake. “I’m Noah by the way.”

“Carmen. New in town, obviously.”

“Obviously.” He grinned picking up the box with a nod. It was like we were in high school or something awkward with our one word answers. I’d sworn off guys after my ex. I knew better, but Noah had this odd charisma that made me want to try again despite being burned so badly. It was like I never learned.

“I’m not in the habit of bartering services, but maybe you’ll consider not writing me an overnight parking ticket.” I winced. My brand new bakery van was parked in the lot behind the building illegally.

Noah let out a bark of a laugh.

“Where are you parked?”

Tags: M.C. Cerny Love By Design Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025