Love Actually (Love By Design 5) - Page 8

My hand nervously went behind my head to show him pointing toward the kitchen and the back lot.

“Behind the building.”

Noah released a dramatic hiss. “Oh, I don’t know. I think it might cost you more than these goodie right here.” He tapped the top of the box.

Sure he was cute in that all American gym rat muscle head kind of way that made my insides foolishly quiver.

“What did you have in mind, Office?” I flicked his chest playfully.

“Pettigrew.” He said giving me his last name. I couldn’t recall the last time I was so forward and flirty.

“Ah well, I run my bakery from about five in the morning until about one in the afternoon unless I’m doing a special event.”

Noah made a groaning sound that jump started my libido. This was a bad idea I reminded myself. New to town, fresh off men, still thinking about my hair stylist down the street.

“I was thinking dinner, maybe dancing if that’s your thing.” He suggested. It did sound fun. I could do fun. I deserved to have fun and I was an adult, therefore I could rationalize this any way I wanted.

“Pick me up at six. I don’t usually share this, but considering you’re an officer of the law and can probably look this up, I live in the apartment upstairs.”

“Perfect, except I work until six with my shift, so how about I come by at seven.” He offered and I agreed.

“Great.” I tapped the counter.

“Good.” He spun around and left leaving the door to swing closed and jingle on the bell that was left from another decade.

Taylor came out of the kitchen to lean against the counter next to me. She followed my line of sight watching the cop saunter down the street before getting in his police cruiser driving away. “I see you’ve met Officer Pettigrew.” Taylor shoved a cup of coffee under my nose. I took it inhaling the dark roast aroma that would pair nicely with the sweets I baked this morning.

I hummed taking a sip.

“You didn’t tell me the police force looked so good.”

“Last time I checked, you weren’t dating men anymore. Liar, Liar, retro skirt on fire.” She tugged at the fabric of my skirt teasing me.

“I wasn’t. I’m not.” I shrugged reaching for a croissant I filled with chocolate. Hmm, I should try a batch of them with hazelnut.

“Then what the heck was that? The tension between you two felt like I was witnessing a porn ad here. I thought you wanted to move to the equivalent of the Hallmark channel in our delightful small town.” Taylor winked.

“Cute. Considering all the kinky stuff you text me about Hunter, I doubt any part of this town is PG. Besides we were roommates for two years, don’t act like I don’t know you.” I corrected her which a chuckle.

“Fair enough, but seriously, I thought you had a crush on Lou.”


“Louisa. Hair stylist to the stars of New Paltz. Shop is literally a block up the street.” She nodded in the direction of my desires.

“Mmm. I don’t know. Guys are so much…easier.” I mumbled not even capable of believing my own lie.

“Easier? Really? It’s like you don’t want to be happy and while I think Noah could be pleasing in many ways, he’s also so not your type.” Taylor wasn’t wrong. Uniforms were a lost cause on me, but maybe I needed to keep trying the opposite to find what I did like?

“Also true, but I figure if he’s out of the box, then he’s got to be better than my ex, right?”

“I guess dinner and dancing will tell you all you need to know. Now hand me one of those croissants before I bite your fingers off.”



“Take your phone, it’s been ringing off the hook.” Gemma shoved my cellphone under my nose and I swiped the screen before I get a chance to look at it.

Tags: M.C. Cerny Love By Design Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025