One to Chase (One to Hold 7) - Page 43

Sensations ricochet through my body as he slowly circles it over the stiff bud, not taking it away as it gradually turns painful. “Ow!” I wail, and just like that, it’s gone, replaced with the intense heat of his mouth, made hotter by contrast to the freezing ice.

I’m squirming now, so wet I’m sure I’ll orgasm from his touch alone. His lips are still pulling at my beaded nipple when I feel the ice lightly touch the other one. Another little yelp scrapes from my throat. Everything is gone in that instant except his mouth on my body, the ice on my breast, and the aching need between my legs.

He holds the cube over my nipple until again it’s almost unbearable, and it disappears, replaced by his hot mouth. I’m moaning and writhing in the sheets. So many sensations assault my body, I don’t know if I can take much more.

His hand touches my cheek. His thumb slides across my lips and I part them, catching the thick digit in my mouth and sucking it firmly. He pulls it back, replacing it with his mouth, and his tongue plunges inside, finding mine. Lifting off the bed, I meet his kiss, threading my fingers into his thick hair and kissing him back with equal passion. His lips move to my chin, to my throat, quickly making the journey between my breasts and down my stomach as I fall back again.

Fingers on the button of my shorts, they’re open, and he jerks them down, rising up to remove them in one swift tug. Two pulls and the strings of my bottoms are untied. Everything is off, and my legs fall open to him. His face hovers over my clit. I can feel his breath on my skin, but he doesn’t touch me. Agony, twists in the center of my pelvis. I need him to touch me. I don’t care about those other things any more. I don’t care if he overpowers me or if this is dangerous. All I know is if he doesn’t finish what he’s started, I’ll die.

“Please, Marcus... Please.” I’m twisting, and reaching down with my hands, fingers curling and uncurling.

“Please what, beautiful?” I hear the smile in his voice, and I’m both embarrassed and desperate. He’s making me beg.

“Please finish.”

The bed rocks forward and his mouth covers my pussy. A low moan rises from the depth of my stomach as he sucks and pulls at my clit, plunging two fingers deep into my throbbing wetness, pumping and curling them.

“Oh, god... oh, yes!” Beneath the blindfold, I’m certain I have tears in my eyes. My body starts to shudder. My orgasm is rocking through me harder than ever before. The pleasure is overwhelming, and I feel his mouth moving higher, not breaking contact with my skin, following the line up between my breasts, to the base of my throat, skimming his teeth along my jaw until it covers mine.

In the haze of orgasm, I don’t hear him removing his clothes. I only jump when the head of his cock touches me. Moaning deeply into his mouth, he plunges his tongue into me at the same time his cock sinks deep inside, soothing my need, blowing my mind.

We’re rocking together, and I’m riding the waves of orgasm back up as I feel him start to come. “Amy...” He groans, his thick shaft pulsing all the way to my core. “My beautiful Amy.”

My hands are on his shoulders, holding onto the only thing anchoring me to this bed. He’s thrusting and coming, filling me hot and deep, making me want him so badly, I don’t know how I’m going to handle this. I don’t know what I’m going to do with this.

His hips eventually slow. A tug and the blindfold is off. The light is too bright, and I squint and blink into his face above mine. His warm hazel eyes trap me. He’s looking at me with so much emotion. I’m still trying to get my mind around what just happened. I’m shaken and off balance, rocking like the boat.

He lean

s down and kisses me again, possessive and firm. Our tongues unite, slide together, then he pulls away, feathering tender kisses across my cheekbone and higher.

“You seem less tense now.” His breath tickles my lashes.

I can’t help it. I start to laugh. It’s very possible I’ve lost my mind.

* * *


“What do you want?” Looking down at her beautiful face, something I’ve never felt before pulls in my chest.

She was so beautiful coming apart just now. She completely surrendered to me in a way I never dreamed she would. She trusted me. Looking at her beautiful body naked on the bed, blindfolded, I tried to think of every way possible to blow her mind, to make her never want to run, to seal her to my side. I never expected such passion. I never expected my own response to having her that way.

Now I’m above her, holding her securely in my arms, wanting to know what’s inside her. I’ve got to find the skeleton key that will unlock her to me.

“I want to know what your ink says.” She has a sexy little smile on her lips, and I can’t resist kissing her. My tongue sweeps around hers, and I’m up, reaching for the champagne and pouring us each a glass. I want to celebrate.

A light touch on my hipbone, and she reads aloud. “Uncertainty is essential.”

Sitting beside her on the bed, we do a quick clink before taking a sip.

“What does it mean?” Right now as she watches me, she seems so young. I can’t take my eyes off her beautiful face breaking with a smile. “Tell me.”

I shrug. “Just something I got in law school.”

“Were you feeling uncertain?”

The boat rocks gently with the waves, and the sounds of water lapping outside makes it feel like we’re the only people for miles. It’s possible we are. We’re at a safe location on the lake, the anchor is down, and I’m ready to spend the rest of the night loving her, exploring her, getting behind the wall.

Tags: Tia Louise One to Hold Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025