Executive Engagement - Page 41

It’s Will, come to declare his love.

Fuck off. As if.

“Hello?” I push the button.

“I have a Mr. Paxton here for you, ma’am. He says he would like to talk business with you. He is your associate?”

I think for a second. This is a bit weird.

It’s getting late. I’ve never had a client visit me at home before. But, then again, I’ve never been CEO of a big company before.

I increased Paxton’s profits significantly in the last few days. Maybe he wants to make new investments. Really, he shouldn’t be calling on me personally.

I know that. I also know the rules at the top are not everyone’s rules.

Rich, busy people do things that they shouldn’t because they know that they can.

I know how to deal with Paxton. And I want to deal with anything other than my fucking feelings for Will right now.

This can only work in my favor.

Besides, it’ll be nice to rub Will’s nose in it after I add investments and increase profit.

If he ever talks to me again after all of this, I guess.

I click the button.

“Let Mr. Paxton up, please.”



I smoke it out to the country club as fast as I can. As I roll up to my private area, I see a couple of caddies get up and come running, even at this time of night.

There’s some kind of function going on in the main rooms, and I know they keep the place fully staffed for rich pricks just like me.

I wave a hand at the caddies and push into my rooms.

I’m not in the mood for that shit. I grab my pack and my whiskey and set off in a golf cart.

I push the little beast far out on to the course, where it’s nice, quiet, and dark.

I throw my clubs on the ground and tip back the bottle, gulping down a good measure before I can even think.

I bend over, gripping my knees.

Who the fuck is she? This hot cunt, thinking she can speak to me like that? What makes her so special, so smart?

I put the bottle down carefully and thrash the fuck out of my golf bag before I can actually get the clubs out.

This is what you have caddies for. I set up a few balls, grab a nice heavy iron, and swing the shit out of it. After hitting the balls, I whip the grass a bit, bending the iron.

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” I yell out loud.

This night is fucked. Everything is fucked.

I didn’t know there were women in the world like Kat.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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