Executive Engagement - Page 42

It’s not something I ever thought about.

Surrounded by sharks and bimbos, I made the only defense I could.

Be the bad boy, fuck the shit out of them, and never look back.

Simple. Everything in life was just fucking simple.

I sit down on the grass, leaning my back and head against it as I tip the whiskey back again.

I know what makes Kat think she’s special, and smart.

Because she fucking is—that’s why. She knows it.

She’s fully aware of her self worth.

She can speak to me like that because I’m a womanizing cunt with a reputation as long as my rock-hard cock. I don’t know why I ever thought anything could happen.

I just took one look at her and thought, well, here I am with my cock in my hand…or in a bow, whatever, and there’s a foxy bit of woman in a sexy thin shift—and why the fuck not?

How could I have not known the difference between banging girls and making love with a woman?

I honestly thought making love was messed up bullshit in movies or something. No one alive ever actually did it.

But now, I can’t stop thinking about that velvet skin under my hands. The way she swallowed my cock—not just playing with it or sticking the head between her lips, but really getting it down her throat.

The way her eyes roll back with pleasure as she’s doing it.

I want her. I want her so bad I’d be happy to just sit next to her and hear her talk…with a great big raging boner, of course.

But if she never wanted to fuck me again, I’d take that sweet scent and throaty voice over nothing at all.


I run through a list of casual bimbos in my mind.

Sluts I can bang any way I please to take out my frustration.

No feelings, no love—just bare ass fucking.

My cock doesn’t even twitch. It refuses to rise.

But if I run Kat’s gold eyes through my head, it instantly stiffens up.

There’s a faint sound of crunching grass, and I jump up, swinging my poor bent club.

Might as well be my fucking cock for all the use it is.

“Thought I’d find you here.”

“What the fuck, Sarah? How did you find me?”

“This is where you always go. In the rough of the ninth…Didn’t you realize? This is where you came that day you struck out on the Anderson account.”

I have to laugh as I sit back down and swig the whiskey. “Yeah, that was a cool five million in the dust.”

“You had to fuck the daughter, didn’t you?”

“Sarah! I told you before—she tied me to the bed. For fuck’s sake. You expect me to not get hard when she jumps on me?”

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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