Takedown - Page 3

“Toby, were you just checking out my ass?” She places a hand on her hip, her eyebrows flying up, and I can’t tell if she’s really indignant or if it’s an act.

I can’t help the grin that spreads across my face. I laugh, lifting my hands in the air. “Busted.”

Incredulous laughter rings from her mouth, sucking me in a little further. “Apparently you’re no better than that programming guy.”

“Now that’s just playing dirty, Macy.” I smirk and take a few slow steps toward her. “But I guarantee I am way, way better than that asshole. I’m sure quality assurance would back up that statement.” I can’t resist the tease.

I probably should have left well enough alone, but now the words are out there, hanging in the air between us. She blinks rapidly, as if she’s not sure she heard me right. Or if she did, that she might be imagining the innuendo.

Nope. It’s totally there. Not even trying to be subtle about it.

“I guess I’ll just have to take your word for it,” she manages, but I don’t miss the way her eyes dart down, running over my body. I also don’t miss the dart of her tongue across her lips and the hitch in her breath as her eyes reach my rock-hard, straining cock.

Holy fuck.

There’s no denying that some kind of crazy sexual tension has been building since the day she walked into my office. It’s like every fantasy I’ve had come to life.

And fuck me, because even though I know it’s a terrible idea—that I’m her boss and running her off is the last thing I want—I can’t stop myself. Before I can think twice, I’m walking toward her, stalking, really, with nothing but dirty, wicked intentions.



Oh god. Toby has a glint in his eye. That same one I thought I saw this morning. I didn’t recognize it then, but there’s no denying now what it is. Pure, unadulterated lust. As if he wants to spread me across the table like I’m what he wants to eat for lunch.

I gasp, my thighs quivering at the mere thought of him between my legs.

“Yeah,” he murmurs, his voice pitched low, “you should just take my word for it, Macy. That would be the smart thing to do.”

My throat feels tight, and I struggle to swallow against the nerves that are rising up.

Another step closer.

“You’re a smart woman,” he says, his eyes locked on mine. “You know what you need to do.”

I’m so

confused. It’s like he’s warning me off. Telling me that this is a bad idea. That it would be smart to not go there. But at the same time, he’s coming ever closer, his eyes dark with desire. For me.

And there’s no way in hell I want to walk away from that. Even though the rational part of my brain is screaming for me to think about my job.

Fuck being rational.

“Toby,” I whisper, my eyes wide. Even I hear the need in my voice.

He reaches up, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, brushing his knuckles across my jaw.

I sigh, my eyes fluttering shut, my body both relaxing into his touch and sparking with dangerous, delicious awareness.

“Fuck, Macy,” he bites out, his thumb tracing roughly across my lips.

I suck in a sharp breath, and suddenly my heart is hammering in my chest. Desire floods my body. Blood rushes through my veins, straight to my aching, needy core.

“This is a bad idea,” he says, though he doesn’t step away or let go of me.

My eyes open, searching his. “It’s a terrible idea,” I manage to say.

“The worst,” he agrees.

Tags: Alexis Angel Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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