Takedown - Page 4

“Then why does it sound so good?”

A slow, dangerous smile spreads across his face. “Because even though it’s definitely bad, I promise it will be so, so good.”

I practically whimper, my knees feeling wobbly.

Toby runs a finger down my chest, skimming over my heavy tits and down my side, where he runs his hand around to my back, tracing lazy circles as he stares at me hungrily. Watching. Measuring. Then he drops his hand lower, hovering lightly over my ass as he leans into me, pressing himself against me.

I can’t help it. I moan at the hard pressure of his cock straining against my belly. “Toby, what are we doing?”

“I don’t know. All I know is I can’t think past the need to taste you right now.”

My body lights on fire at his words, the sparks becoming a full on blaze. I’m pliant and willing as he tangles a hand in my hair and angles my head up roughly toward his. His mouth is only a breath away. We’re sharing the same air.

And I can’t fight it. He affects me so easily. I’ve spent the past week fighting off the need to feel this sexy man’s mouth on me. Now that it’s happening, I can’t make myself resist. I don’t even want to.

For half a second, I see indecision creep into his eyes. Then he mutters, “Fuck it,” and lowers his mouth to mine.

He’s not gentle. And I don’t want him to be. His mouth angles against mine in a desperate assault of tongue and teeth. Like he needs this just as much as I do. My lips part on a moan, and he dives in, his tongue stroking mine, working me up into a fervor.

Holy shit, I think I could come just from the way he kisses me. He’s that fucking skilled with his tongue. And I need more of it. Quality assurance, here I come.

“Macy,” he groans against my mouth, his hand gripping my head and tilting it so he can kiss me even harder. “So fucking sweet. Need more of you.”


He sucks my bottom lip into his mouth, tugging it and nipping with a rough pull that’s echoed in my body, all the way down to my pussy. A warm, delicious pull that has me soaking wet and ready to beg for more.

Toby runs the hand that’s digging into my ass down further until his fingers graze the hem of my skirt. My breath catches as he yanks it up, impatient now. His fingertips graze my thigh as he rakes his hand higher, and electricity rockets through my body as if I’ve been struck by lightning.

I shudder against him, my body quaking with desire, and he pulls me closer, wrapping me up in himself. What I said about being able to come just from his kiss? Yeah, well, I’m barely hanging on now as his fingers graze across the drenched lace of my panties.

The next thing I know, I’m lying back on the conference table, my fingers digging into the wood for support.

“Oh God.”

Toby pulls back just enough to study my face, a brow lifted in cocky confidence. He knows just how good he’s making me feel. He never doubted it for a second. I nod quickly, urging him to keep fucking going.

My teeth clamp down on my lip as he pushes the scrap of fabric aside and slides his fingers through my dripping pussy lips. My whole body is on the verge of shattering.

“Feels good, doesn’t it?” His eyes are intense, watching what his words do to me.

“So good,” I moan. It’s like I can’t do anything but moan now.

Mischief flashes in his eyes, in his quick smirk. “I want to watch you come for me.”

Um, yes please!

My breath comes in pants as his fingers work faster, teasing my clit, edging me closer to pure ecstasy.

“Please.” It comes out like my life depends on it. I’m fucking begging this man for more, and I don’t even care. I’m shameless.

Oh my God. I’m so close. My eyes slide shut as the first hints of the orgasm take hold. “Look at me,” he commands. “Keep your eyes open. I want you looking at me when you come. But first...”

In what is surely the most erotic moment of my life, I simply stare into his intense eyes while he spreads my legs further and yanks me to the edge of the table, then drops down in front of me. I prop myself up on my elbows to watch. I’m not missing a minute of this. Who cares about A Cunning Linguist right now? I’ve got my very own personal master tongue at my disposal.

It only takes one lick, and I fall apart. My hips surge forward, and he drives me to the edge, his magic tongue moving skillfully over my pussy lips, circling my clit, plunging into my hole, never stopping for a second as I come really fucking hard. My inner walls clamp and clench, drenching his face as I pulse and throb in what has to be the most intense orgasm of my life.

The entire time his eyes are on my face, raw hunger all over his.

Tags: Alexis Angel Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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