24 Inches (Size Matters 2) - Page 412

Of course, I never expected this part of my happy ending to be so fucking painful. The miracle of life, yeah, right. More like the extreme pain of life, that’s what this is.

Thankfully, Parker’s important enough as a senator to merit having a helicopter come and pick up his pregnant wife. Seriously, I’d die if I had to wait for an ambulance and then face the traffic on my way to the hospital. To say that I’m in pain right now is putting it lightly.

Still, as the helicopter takes off and the mansion shrinks into a tiny pebble, I grab Parker’s hand and smile. I’m sweating, my hair plastered to my forehead, but I feel like the most beautiful woman on Earth right now. Why? It’s hard to put it into words, but the recipe is a simple one; just add the love of a perfect man, mix it with a baby, and voilà!

“Just breathe, Amy,” Parker tells me, and I can tell he has no idea what to do. And that’s probably why he went with that line guys use all the time in the movies. Just breathe, yeah, right; what the fuck does it look like I’m doing?

God, I really turned into a cranky wife, haven’t I?

Hours later, all the crankiness has vanished, and I’m back to being my old self. Except now my huge belly is gone. And I’m exhausted, completely drenched in sweat and wearing a hospital gown. But I’m cradling in my arms the most beautiful baby I’ve ever seen.

Natalie, that’s what we decided to name her. And, yes, it’s a girl. And you can bet that she’s going to grow into a strong woman who won’t take any shit from anyone—just like her mom.

“Can I…?” Parker asks me in a low voice, almost as if he were too afraid to raise his voice.

“Here,” I whisper, carefully handing him Natalie. He extends his arms, holding her as if she was made of glass, and then pulls her into his chest. Looking down at her with a soft smile, he’s a far cry from the man who stood his ground while dozens of soldiers pointed their guns at him. Parker’s the bravest man I’ve ever met, but right now, he looks docile and completely in love with his daughter.

Of course, I bet that his fierce side will show up anytime someone decides to mess with Natalie. Yeah, her boyfriends are going to love him.

“I love you,” I say, smiling as I watch him hold our baby. The look on his face reminds me of all the reasons I’ve fallen in love with him, and trust me, they’re too many to count. All I know is that falling in love with Parker was the wisest thing I’ve ever done in my entire life.

And, if you’re wondering, that has nothing to do with the amazing sex we have every single day. Yes, even while I was pregnant; that required a bit of creativity, but it was fun nonetheless. What I mean is that, despite our bodies' burning need for each other, my relationship with him goes way beyond that. Okay, sure, amazing sex is one of the pillars in our relationship, but there are many others: trust, kindness, and fun. And, above all, love. Genuine love.

This last year has proved that, even though our relationship might live on the outskirts of what society deems to be moral and decent, we were made for each other. Life’s an open road right now, and the only thing I’m sure of is that I’m going to be by Parker’s side until the very end. Wherever that road may lead.

He has taken to his position as a Senator, and a few political strategists are already trying to peg him as a presidential candidate for the next elections. Which I think Parker will win if he decides to go for it. Can you imagine me as the First Lady? Yeah, neither can I.

But I try not to think about that stuff too much. The thing I’m most excited about for our future concerns the child Parker is cradling right now. I’m a mother now, and that feels like a heavy responsibility. After what I’ve lived through with my own mother, I’m hell bent on doing the best I can for my own daughter.

Not that she’ll have to worry about an evil grandmother. Mom went to jail roughly 6 months ago - abuse of power. She’ll be gone for a long time.

“What are you thinking about, momma Amy?” Parker asks me with a teasing smile, and my heart melts as I notice Natalie’s tiny fingers wrapped around his thumb.

“I’m thinking of how perfect life is,” I reply, and he just looks into my eyes with a loving expression on his face.

“It is,” he whispers, and then we fall silent, both of us looking down at the small human we’ve helped create. If that isn’t a miracle, I don’t know what is.

Sometimes life’s like that. If you believe hard enough, it might just surprise you with a miracle. My miracle came in the shape of a family.

My best advice? Believe a little. Love a lot. It might work out for you.

It did for me.

Time For a Dirty Daddy!

Never before seen, till now!

Dirty Daddy by Alexis Angel. This has never before been seen in added content and is provided exclusively for you today as a thank you!

After that, I have two short stories.

Lana’s Market, a short story by Dark Angel.

All followed by, Lana’s Gamble, which is a short story by Dark Angel.

Both are never before seen and brand new. They will never be published anywhere else separately.

Our goal in this is simple.

Tags: Alexis Angel Size Matters Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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